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Not that she ordered these particulars, but the dressmakers, when given carte blanche by those who do not condescend to details, so soon exhaust the outside limits of garments that perforce they take to plastering them inside with gold, so to speak, and, when the bill goes in, they depend upon the furnishings to carry out a certain amount of the contract in justifying the price.

Though these songs must have been a solace to Mr. O'Rourke in his captivity, he never so far forgot himself as to acknowledge their receipt. It was only through the kindly chaplain of the prison that Margaret was now and then advised of the well-being of her husband. Towards the close of that year the great O'Rourke himself did condescend to write one letter.

And wherever there is a "faithful martyr" for Christ, who "holds fast his name, and will not deny his faith" at the risk of his life, his divine Lord will condescend to register his name among that noble company who "by faith have obtained a good report."

You ought to be in New York. There's more chance there. You could hardly expect to get started out here." Carrie smiled genially, grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much. He noticed the smile, and put a slightly different construction on it. He thought he saw an easy chance for a little flirtation.

Dominick did not condescend to answer this remark, but, taking one of the bamboos, stood it up close to the tree, not touching, but a few inches from the trunk, and bound it firmly with the cord to the three pegs. Thus he had the first three rounds or rungs of an upright ladder, one side of which was the tree, the other the bamboo.

The seamen formed a wide ring, and, looking at me, he talked to himself confidentially. "Escaped the Inglez! Then thou art doomed, Domingo. Domingo, thou art doomed. Dom... Señor!" The change of tone, his effort to extend his hands towards me, surprised us all. I looked away. "Hold hard! Hold him, mate!" "Señor, condescend to behold my downfall. I am led here to the slaughter, Señor!

VIVIAN. I assure you that they do not. They never rise beyond the level of misrepresentation, and actually condescend to prove, to discuss, to argue. How different from the temper of the true liar, with his frank, fearless statements, his superb irresponsibility, his healthy, natural disdain of proof of any kind! After all, what is a fine lie? Simply that which is its own evidence.

I'm I why, I'm on the electrical staff I'm " he thought of the word secretary, but a feeling of modesty induced him to say "assistant to one of the electricians." "Which 'un?" demanded the lad curtly. "Mr Smith." "Mr Smith, eh? Well it ain't an unusual name Smith ain't. P'r'aps you'll condescend on his first name, for there's no less than three Smiths among the electricians."

Denis Quirk is the sort of man I might condescend to love, and if ever I do love it will be like that river in flood down there." The road ran high above a rocky gorge, through which the Grey was rushing in a turbulent torrent of water.

Honestly, Ricky, don't you get sick of gadding about night and day with people who only condescend to know you because you're a fashion?" He smiled lazily at the uncompromising vigour of her criticism. "To begin with, I don't do it night and day " "Ricky, you simply live in your Lady Barbara's pocket. Lots of people have told me. If I were you, I wouldn't let her make a fool of me.