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An' don't you know this Spanish Bill pickin' me up that night, an' then in less than two months, when he's afoot an' hurt in the hills, gettin' ag'inst me an' drawin' out of the game ahead a saddle, a pony an' safety, makes it seem like that Bible-sharp is right a whole lot? "'That's how it strikes me, concloods Boggs.

As for my game: thar's a member of my fam'ly escapes this mornin' comes streamin' over yere, I onderstands an' I'm in the saddle tryin' to round her up. Gents, concloods old Glegg, an' he displays emotion, 'I'm simply a harassed parent on the trail of his errant offspring. "Then Enright makes old Glegg a long, soft talk, an' seeks to imboo him with ca'mness.

We've been sloshin' 'round the Oriental all day, findin' new virchoos in the whiskey, an' amoosin' ourse'fs at our own expense, when about fifth drink time in the evenin' Dave allows he's some sick of sech revels, an' concloods he'll p'int out among the 'dobys, sort o' explorin' things up a lot. Which we tharupon goes in concert.

Shoestring Griffith is saved. "'Doorin' the subsequent line-up at the bar which concloods the ceremonies, Easy Aaron waxes indignant an' is harrowed to observe Billy Goodnight imbibin' with the rest. ""I thought you-all dead!" says Easy Aaron, in tones of wrathful reproach. ""Which I was dead," says Billy, sort o' apol'getic, "but them words of fire brings me to."

So Peets an' me proposes as a roole for this yere camp that two hurdy-gurdies be forbid to be carried on within five hundred feet of each other. As it looks like nobody objects, we concloods it's adopted. Nacherally, the last hurdy-gurdy up has to move, which disposes of this yere trouble.

"'Cl'ar things out of the way along by Jim's head, says Jack Moore, who is takin' a big interest. 'We wants to fix things so Jen can swarm in at him easy. You hear me! she's goin' to come stampedin' in yere like wild cattle when she gets the news. "When everythin's ready, Tutt an' Jack, who concloods it's well to have a good deal of shootin', bangs away with their guns about four times apiece.

You needn't go inferrin' none, from his havin' a terror of steers an' broncos that a-way, that he's timid plumb through. Thar's reason to deem him game when he's up ag'inst mere man. "Once, so they tells the story, Curly Bill rounds up this Slim Jim in a Red Dog hurdy-gurdy an' concloods to have some entertainment with him.

"'Thar, concloods Dan, 'is what I regyards as a parallel experience to this Tom an' Jerry. The lady plays Jerry's system from soda to hock, an' yet you-all can see in the lights of that thar sooicide how deep she loves him. "'That's all humbug, Dan, says Enright; 'the lady you relates of isn't lovin'. She's only locoed that a-way.

"The next day, we rounds up Doc Peets, an' he encourages us so that we concloods to return an' make a size-up of results. "'I shore hopes we finds Dave safe. says Dan Boggs. "'It's even money, says Jack Moore, 'that Dave pulls through. Dave's a mighty wary sport when worst comes to worst; an' as game as redhead ants.

Then, final, they cries an' makes up; an' then they both concedes that one way an' another they're the best two people each other ever sees. At this juncture, concloods Nell, 'I declar's myse'f in on the play; an' we-all three sets down an' admires Enright Peets an' visits an' has a splendid afternoon. "'An' wherever doorin' this emute is Dave? asks Enright. "'Oh, Dave? says Nell.