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He had no communication with her for three days, during which time he frequently spoke to me of suspicions which his imagination converted into certainty; and threats of divorce escaped his lips with no less vehemence than when we were on the confines of Syria. I took upon me the office of conciliator, which I had before discharged with success.

He had no communication with her for three days, during which time he frequently spoke to me of suspicions which his imagination converted into certainty; and threats of divorce escaped his lips with no less vehemence than when we were on the confines of Syria. I took upon me the office of conciliator, which I had before discharged with success.

In a letter to a friend we find Turgot saying, 'Although the Conciliator is of my principles, and those of our friend, I am astonished at your conjectures; it is neither his style nor mine. Yet Turgot had written it. This is his one public literary equivocation.

At length the unlucky conciliator had his eyes opened by the nature of things, and was compelled to apply to parliament for the insurrection act.

His admirable tact, his unfailing temper, and excellent good sense, rendered him a wise counsellor and a most successful conciliator. The last time Mr. Milsom visited England, towards the end of 1869, he was occupied, as usual, in collecting subscriptions for the poor Vaudois of the High Alps.

Reviled by all parties, he sought the great conciliator, death. "The Italians will never trust me," he exclaimed. "My son, Victor, will be king of Italy, not I." When the death he would have chosen was denied him, he went away, a crownless exile. He could do no more. It was necessary, as Charles Albert had seen, that the king who was to carry out the destinies of Italy should be trusted.

He had dared to deny the existence of a devil, and had suggested that the case of a patient who lay in a trance for three days might help to explain some miracles, like the raising of Lazarus. His great work was Conciliator Differentiarum, an attempt to reconcile physicians and philosophers.

The aphorism does really seem true: "Given the Circumstances, the Man will appear." But the man musn't appear ahead of time, or it will spoil everything. In Robinson's case the Moment had been approaching for a quarter of a century and meantime the future Conciliator was tranquilly laying bricks in Hobart.

As a conciliator and a mediator between two almost hopelessly irreconcilable classes of society, she deserves a prominent place among great French women. Women of the Nineteenth Century

He is a conciliator, not a judge: his business is to procure peace: and he ought to induce him who has right on his side, to relax something of his pretensions, if necessary, with a view to so great a blessing.