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Malcolm, who had been some thirty paces behind, was with her in a moment. "Isn't it splendid?" she cried. "It blaws weel verra near as weel 's my daddy," said Malcolm, enjoying it quite as much as the girl. "How dare you make game of such a grand uproar?" said Florimel with superiority. "Mak ghem o' a blast o' win' by comparin' 't to my gran'father!" exclaimed Malcolm.

And, of course, there are no men so noble and generous as our American men. But jest lookin' at the matter from the outside and comparin' the two, I wuz proud indeed of our Suffragists. Some as the quiet golden sunshine draws out the flowers and fruit from the cold bosom of the earth.

Look at Brother Daniels; he is a bachelor, too, but everyone knows what a lady's man he is." "Humph! You ain't comparin' me to Heman Daniels, are you?" "No. No, of course not. I shouldn't dare. Comparing any mortal with Daniels would be heresy, wouldn't it? But you certainly are popular with the fair sex. Why, even Imogene has fallen under the influence. She says Mrs.

We found, on comparin' notes down stairs, this mornin', that you had told the same story to everybody. Now, sir, as your daughter is married, accordin' to the papers, and the 1st of May has arriv', will you be good enough to square up?" Mr. Whedell smiled touchingly.

We might well think shame of ourselves, glorifying the old when we should be welcoming the new. "Besides, Doctor Grant was no' a common man, and it's no becomin' to be comparin' common men along wi' the likes o' him." So this, thought I, is the Scottish mode of paying compliments. I had always heard that their little tributes were more medicinal than confectionery.

The meeting that night wuz a sort of a social, where the young and older folks met to get better acquainted with each other, and had a good time visitin' back and forth and comparin' notes and bein' introduced to Waitstill and the new library. One attracted just about as much attention as the other, both wuz exceedingly interestin' to 'em and beloved.

And then she went on to draw up metafors, and haul in illustrations, comparin' married life and single jest as likely metafors as I ever see, and as good illustrations as wuz ever brung up, only they every one of 'em had this fault when she got to drawin' 'em, she drawed 'em too fur. And though she brought the school-house down, she didn't convince me.

He caught Duncan's nod and smiled slowly. "I reckon you're some off your range," he said. "There ain't no comparin' Dakota to you he's always been my friend." "A man's got a friend one day and he's an enemy the next," said Duncan mysteriously. "Meanin'?" "Meaning that Dakota ain't so much of a friend as you think he is." Doubler's lips grew straight and hard.

"Comparin' her with your little old East?" inquired the latter. Hollis confessed that he had been doing something of that sort. "Well," returned Norton, "there ain't any way to compare this country with anything else. Seems as though when the world was made the Lord had a few million miles left which he didn't know what to do with an' so he just dumped it down out here.

The Red Dog sheet ain't a marker to Colonel Sterett's Coyote, an' it's the yooniversal idee in Wolfville, after ca'mly comparin' the two papers, that Colonel Sterett as a editor can simply back that Red Dog person plumb off the ground.