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Pease had a clause inserted, taking power to work the railway by means of locomotive engines, and to employ them for the haulage of passengers as well as of merchandise. The Act was obtained in 1823, on which Stephenson was appointed the company’s engineer at a salary of £300 per annum; and it was determined that the line should be constructed and opened for traffic as soon as practicable.

The principal draughtsman was Mr. Thomas Gooch, a pupil he had brought with him from Newcastle. “I may say,” writes Mr. Gooch, “that nearly the whole of the working and other drawings, as well as the various land-plans for the railway, were drawn by my own hand. They were done at the Company’s office in Clayton Square during the day, from instructions supplied in the evenings by Mr.

At a Company’s dinner, the people are nearly all alikeregular old stagers, who make it a matter of business, and a thing not to be laughed at. At a political dinner, everybody is disagreeable, and inclined to speechifymuch the same thing, by-the-bye; but at a charity dinner you see people of all sorts, kinds, and descriptions.

These young gentlemen,” announced the lieutenant commander, “are Mr. Benson, Mr. Hastings and Mr. Somers. All three are thoroughly familiar with the Pollard type of boat. As the Navy has purchased one Pollard boat, and may acquire others, it is well that you cadets should understand all the working details of the Pollard Submarine Company’s crafts.

All the hopes of the Maldertons were destined at once to melt away, like the lemon ices at a Company’s dinner; Almack’s was still to them as distant as the North Pole; and Miss Teresa had as much chance of a husband as Captain Ross had of the north-west passage. Years have elapsed since the occurrence of this dreadful morning.

I know a low fellow, originally of a good family from Dorking, who takes his whole establishment of wives in single file in at the door of the jug department of a disorderly tavern near the Haymarket, manœuvres them among the company’s legs, and emerges with them at the bottle entrance, seldom in the season going to bed before two in the morning. And thus he passes his life.

For some inscrutable reason, known only to the company’s officials, we cheap-trainers were not permitted to proceed on our journey to London along with the mail, but were left to kick our heels for some two hours at the Dover station.

There were the walks, beautifully gravelled and plantedand the refreshment-boxes, painted and ornamented like so many snuff-boxesand the variegated lamps shedding their rich light upon the company’s headsand the place for dancing ready chalked for the company’s feetand a Moorish band playing at one end of the gardensand an opposition military band playing away at the other.

The shop became dirty, broken panes of glass remained unmended, and the stock disappeared piecemeal. At last the company’s man came to cut off the water, and then the linen-draper cut off himself, leaving the landlord his compliments and the key. The next occupant was a fancy stationer.

Stephenson was consulted as to the name of the coach, and he at once suggestedThe Experiment;” and by this name it was called. The Company’s arms were afterwards painted on her side, with the mottoPericulum privatum utilitas publica.” Such was the sole passenger-carrying stock of the Stockton and Darlington Company in the year 1825.