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Among the Romans sensus communis signified not only common sense, but humanity, sensibility. As we are not as good as the Romans, this word signifies among us only half of what it signified among them. It means only good sense, plain reason, reason set in operation, a first notion of ordinary things, a state midway between stupidity and intelligence.

"The Perennial Hemp grows to the height of from four to six feet. "The root inclines horizontally with numerous fleshy fibres at the extremity. "The buds many, and resembling the buds of the Lily of the Valley. "It is the Urtica canadensis of Kalm, one of which was brought over and planted by the side of this plant, and we could not find any difference." LAPSANA communis.

At this stage of advance, and when a true European opinion has been created, a 'sensus communis, or community of feeling on the main classifications of wars, it will become possible to erect a real Areopagus, or central congress for all Christendom, not with any commission to suppress wars, a policy which would neutralize itself by reacting as a fresh cause of war, since high-spirited nations would arm for the purpose of resisting such decrees; but with the purpose and the effect of oftentimes healing local or momentary animosities, and also by publishing the opinion of Europe, assembled in council, with the effect of taking away the shadow of dishonor from the act of retiring from war.

M. Louis de Smet, a well-known Ghent nurseryman, who grows a fine collection of Cactuses, stated that he had kept M. communis a long time in robust health and growth by feeding it with a very weak solution of salt.

At which time of his commitment, he found the Lady Arabella an innocent prisoner there; and he pleased himself much in sending, the next day after his commitment, these two verses to the good lady; which I will underwrite, because they may give the Reader a taste of his others, which were like these. Causa tibi mecum est communis, carceris, Ara- Bella, tibi causa est, Araque sacra mihi.