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'Who is that in the opposite box, with the leopard's skin on her shoulders? queried the rector's wife. 'I think Butterfly is topping, said Lady Erskin's daughter. 'I always weep buckets in the second act. 'I should like to die to music like that, said Elise, almost to herself. Close by a communication-trench, Dick Durwent stood shivering in the cool night-air.

For instance, the reserve line is not always connected with the firing-lines by a communication-trench. Those persons whose duty it is to pay daily visits to the fire-trenches Battalion Commanders, Gunner and Sapper officers, an occasional Staff Officer, and an occasional most devoted Padre perform the journey as best they may.

The gunners have stopped to put up their sights and lengthen their fuses. We ought to be fairly in it in half an hour." But this proves to be an under-estimate. There are mysterious and maddening stoppages maddening, because in communication-trench stoppages it is quite impossible to find out what is the matter. Furious messages begin to arrive from the rear.

When he came to the trenches, at last, and filed down the narrow communication-trench and into his Company's appointed position in the deep ditch with a narrow platform along its front that was the forward fire-trench, he remembered with unpleasant clearness that instinctive start and thought of taking cover.

But he must have been asleep this day, for the "change over" was completed with little attention from him in the way of shells. Leading up to "Pinney's Ave.," there was a short length of communication-trench very appropriately called "Impertinence Sap," for it was merely a ditch, three feet deep, floored with "duck boards." I could never get the reason why this trench was built.

Having briefly set forth the character and habits of the Buzzer, we will next proceed to visit the creature in his lair. This is an easy feat. We have only to walk up the communication-trench which leads from the reserve line to the firing-line.

"We move off at a quarter to four," he said, "up Fountain Alley and Scottish Trench, into Central Boyau" "boyau" is the name which is given to a communication-trench in trenches which, like those in front of us, are of French extraction "and so over the parapet.

Here again I will quote from my Diary: When we emerged from the end of the Drury Lane communication-trench upon the Route de Tilleloi, we proceeded down that excellent road, discoursing on a hundred war topics.

"I heard one of my men cry out that he was hit," continued Ayling, "and I came to the conclusion that we would have a better chance as moving targets than as fixed; so I passed the word to get up and move forward steadily, in single file. Ultimately we struck a stray communication-trench, into which we descended with as much dignity as possible. It led us into some quarries."

He is evidently of a persevering rather than vindictive disposition. Then there is Unter den Linden. This celebrated thoroughfare is an old communication-trench. It runs, half-ruined, from the old German trench in our rear, right through our own front line, to the present German trenches.