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"I let's that lady from France conceal her face, her past and any crimes she may have committed, is committin' or be goin' to commit, and I hereby declares myself for her forty ways from the Jack, fer anything from matrimony to murder." "Shucks," said the old man, "you-all are mighty young." "Pop," declared the Wallace heir, solemnly, "this here French lady is clean strain and grades high.

I guess I ain't thinking of committin' suicide." "And I almost admired you!" "You hadn't got no reason to. There's nothing to admire about a man who stands five feet off a loaded gun that's being aimed at him. He'd be a darned fool, that's all." "You were laughing at me all the time." "You'd have had me dead as mutton if that gun 'ud been loaded. You're a sport, all right, all right.

I'll explain," and from the typewritten scenario she held she went over the outlines of the big marine drama, as one of the authors of the Comet company had written it. As she gave the details, the simple, kindly face of the sailor cleared. His doubts vanished. "Say, wasn't I th' old landlubber though!" he cried. "T' think I thought I was really committin' a crime. Ha! Ha!"

We are," he continued, "a poor an' a sufferin' family; but it's the will of God that we should be so; an' sure we can't complain widout committin' sin. All we ax now, is, that it may be plasin' to him that brought us low, to enable us to bear up undher our thrials. We would take it to our choice to beg an' be honest, sooner, nor to be wealthy, an' wicked!

"But why swear you, I ask again, to keep a secret which you did not know?" "Why, ma'am, because they knew that in that case there was little danger of our committin' parjury; and because every saicret which one does not know is sure to be kept." She looked keenly at him, and added, "I'm inclined to think, sirrah, that you are impertinent." "Very likely, ma'am," replied Tom, with great gravity.

No, no, my dear; I can get all the temperance talk I want without committin' bigamy for it. 'An' you couldn' marry me, says the merrymaid, with a kind o' sob, 'because I'm married already, an' the mother of two as pretty children as ever you wished to see.

Why, I was goin' to bid you make up to her." "Give no gosther, Sam," replied Phelim, "but sind round the bottle, an' don't forget to let it come this way. I hardly tasted a dhrop to-night." "Oh, Phelim!" exclaimed Peggy. "Whisht!" said Phelim, "there's no use in lettin' the ould fellows be committin' sin. "Come, nabors," said Burn, "I'm the boy that's for close work. How does the match stand?

No man in trade has a right, widout committin' a sin, to neglect his family for politics or parties. There's Jack Cummins that was doin' well in his groceries till he began to make speeches, an' get up public meetins, an' write petitions, an' now he has nothin' to throuble him but politics, for his business is gone. Every one has liberty to think as they plase.

"I never thought of committin' any sin, let alone one with such a big name, Misprision of Treason and Maladministration of Justice, I believe he called it. Why, for a spell I thought I should have to be shot up, Josiah wuz skairt to death, and told him he never hearn of such crimes, and sez he, 'I'll bet you can't find 'em in the Velosipeder.

But mind," he added, with returning heat, "I'm not committin' myself to anythin' in advance. This grass'll grow again next year, an' by heavens if I want it I'll cut it! No son of a sheep herder can bluff Y.D!" Grant did not reply. He had heard enough of Y.D.'s boisterous nature to make some allowances.