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Right this minute they're fixing up some way to give you yore come-uppance." "Think so?" "Think so! Say, would I come traipsing out here just for my health or yores? "Seems like you know a lot about Nebraska and his gang," he cast at a venture, glancing at her sharply. "I lived with Nebraska for a while," she said, matter-of-factly, giving him a calm stare.

I think she ought to be soundly trounced, and my guess is she's goin' to be. Something tells me this New Dawn ain't goin' to save her from her come-uppance. I tell you both plain out, I ain't goin' to have a magazine under my roof that'll talk such stuff about George Washington, the Father of his Country. It's too scandalous."

Now there are a dozen truthful women who will vouch for the truth of what happened. When Nancy leaned over the bed, as if in obedience to the power of an electric shock, the corpse's eyes flew open, Ann Pease rose up in bed and pointing a trembling finger at her frightened namesake exclaimed: "Go 'way f'om me, Nancy Rogers, don't you daih to tech me. You ain't got de come-uppance of me yit.

She laughed, in glad defiance of her own consciousness. "Well, I was trying to make you compliment me; I'm not going to deny it. But I must say I got my come-uppance: you didn't say a thing I cared for. But you did afterward. Don't you remember?" "No. When?" She hesitated a moment. "When you told me that my influence had had made you better, you know " "Oh!" said Bartley. "That!

It would make them the most conspicuous pair in the whole community: older people would point to them as an illustration of justice visited on blind youth, and would chuckle to observe Henry in the process of receiving his come-uppance: the younger set would quake with merriment and poor jokes and sly allusions to Henry's ancient grandeur.

"I never did approve of shunting off our sins on the shoulders of our ancestors," he observed. "They sin; we get the come-uppance. You might as well say that the grandfather of this oyster is directly responsible for his being eaten alive." "No man's sin is wholly his own doing," Lorimer said half bitterly.

"What do you find to go into hysterics over? Another death in the family?" "Oh, it's funny!" she gasped. "Those old frost-bitten people! I guess THEY'RE getting their come-uppance!" Lying prone, she elevated her feet in the air, clapped her heels together repeatedly, in an ecstasy. "Come through, come through!" said her husband, crossly. "What you been up to?"

You told me over and over that I oughtn't to encourage him to gossip as I did, but I went right on doing it because it was as good as a play to hear him tell his queer stories in his queer English. It amused me, I've no other excuse. I sort of knew all the time that it was wrong. And so he got bolder and bolder and finally overstepped the line. And now I've got my come-uppance.

Twelve women in single file were picking their way across the mushy street piled with soft March snow. "Reckon the Double-yer T. Double-yers is goin' to wait on Ferd ag'in to give him his final come-uppance," suggested the constable. "Heard some talk of it yistiddy."

"If it has to come to that, I'm going to squeeze him." Lapham's countenance lighted up with greater joy than had yet visited it since the day they had driven out to Brookline. "Milton K. Rogers is a rascal, if you want to know; or else all the signs fail. But I guess he'll find he's got his come-uppance." Lapham shut his lips so that the short, reddish-grey beard stuck straight out on them.