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One in particular, from a warm admirer, he used to show to his friends with great glee. It was a song in the old "Come-all-ye" style. A few lines I can remember sang in words of high commendation of Joseph Biggar, That man of rigour, Whose form and figure Do foes appal!

"You've got a come-all-ye hoorah there that will make votes." "As to my personality, that has nothing to do with the matter. I am only an agent. Will you come with me and allow Mr. Converse to ask you some questions?" "Sure thing!" agreed the Honorable Daniel, with great heartiness.

He flipped the reins to one side and turned from the trail to ride straight up the slope to where she was. Billy Louise, with a self-reproachful glance at the grave, ran down the slope to meet him an unexpected welcome which made Ward's heart leap in his chest. "Oh, Ward, for heaven's sake don't be singing that come-all-ye at the top of your voice, like that. Don't you "

He was a man of the world, having sailed deep-sea voyages in his youth. He was a grand fiddler, a grand singer, and had made more "Come-all-ye's" than you could count on your fingers and toes. He had a wooden leg; and his daughter was the finest girl in Chance Along. His best known Come-all-ye, which is sung to this day from Caplin Arm to Bay Bulls, starts like this:

It might last for a few moments, during which time the Italians would be seen hurrying excitedly to and fro; and then there would come a lull, and Rourke would be heard to raise his voice in tuneful melody, singing or humming or whistling some old-fashioned Irish "Come-all-ye."

"Now I was given to understand that you liked that same come-all-ye. Have you been educating your musical taste in the last week, Miss William Louisa?" Ward stopped his horse before her, and with his hands still clasped over the saddle-horn, looked down at her with that hidden smile and something else. "No, I haven't.

Bud Perkins, who was the wit of the Perkins family, and called by his mother a "regular cut-up," was at last induced to sing. Bud's "Come-all-ye" contained twenty-three verses, and in it was set forth the wanderings of one, young Willie, who left his home and native land at a very tender age, and "left a good home when he left." His mother tied a kerchief of blue around his neck.

"Nancy sang a song, a come-all-ye about a girl that hanged herself because she had cause to think that a fellow didn't love her. And you bet she can sing. She brought tears to my eyes, and a woman has to get up early and sing with the birds before she can do that." "Did you find out how you stand?" Lyman inquired, smiling at him. "Oh, yes; that's settled.

"I have been to see my wife, She's the joy of my life, She's a young thing, and cannot leave her mother!" "Thought Bill had got too proud t' sing that song uh hisn," the cook yelled facetiously to the riders who were nearest. "I was lookin' for him to bust out in grand-opry, or something else that's a heap more stylish than his old come-all-ye."

'Now, says he, 'what d'ye think iv a gazabo that don't want a monniment put over some wan? Where is this here pole? I think I'll go out an' take a look at it. Where 'd ye say th' la-ad come fr'm? Donaldson? I was there. There was a man in our mess a Wicklow man be th' name iv Dwyer that had th' best come-all-ye I iver heerd. It wint like this, an' he give it to me."