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I rather envied the good Scotchwoman the pleasant task of polishing the smooth cheeks and combing the dishevelled silk; but when, a little later, the small maiden was riding down stairs in my arms, I envied no one. At sight of the bread and milk, my cherub was transformed into a hungry human child, chiefly anxious to reach the bottom of her porringer. I was with her a great deal that day.

It was quite interesting; all the horses ranged in a semi-circle, men scrubbing and combing hard, the sous-officiers superintending, the officers standing about smoking and seeing that everything was being packed and ready for an early start the next morning. I was astonished to see how small the horses were.

Immediately, without delay. Ring for the maid. My shoes, my things oh, I can't find anything. For goodness' sake do ring. She must do my hair oh, never mind, I can do it all myself." She had jumped out of bed in trembling haste; she was sitting in front of her dressing-table now, combing her long hair herself. It was tangled from lying in bed, but she combed it through with merciless haste.

Beside him crouched two prairie-dogs who were combing his hair very carefully, while a red squirrel perched near his head and fanned him with her bushy tail. "Dear me, what have we here?" exclaimed the King of the Jungle, in a querulous tone, "Is it an over-grown pinch-bug, or is it a kissing-bug?" "I have the honor to be a Woggle-Bug, your Majesty!" replied our hero, proudly.

Several times though he had seen other lanterns wandering around, and guessed that these were carried by some of the Slavin crowd, also diligently combing the woods in the hope of being the lucky ones to find the missing boy. The chief of police and his party had gone off in an altogether different direction.

"That depends on the way the wind blows," answered the first mate. Dark seas rose up on every side, higher than he had ever seen them before; the foam driven aft in white sheets, their combing crests shining brilliantly as the sun burst forth from the driving clouds. "Now you have seen enough of it; you had better go below," said the mate.

The taste for masquerading was a fashion of the time, as much as combing a periwig, or flirting a fan.

When she looked out the men were on deck, Violet was getting breakfast, and Connemora was combing her short, thinning, yellow hair before a mirror hung up near one of the forward doors. In the mirror Connemora saw her, smiled and nodded. "You can fix your hair here," said she. "I'm about done. You can use my brush."

Then he retraced his steps, and in the dim night he walked backwards and forwards on the bare and lofty convex of the isle; the stars above and around him, the lighthouse on duty at the distant point, the lightship winking from the sandbank, the combing of the pebble beach by the tide beneath, the church away south-westward, where the island fathers lay.

Maryanka, wearing only her smock, was combing her hair preparing for bed. 'It's I whispered the Cossack. Maryanka's look was severely indifferent, but her face suddenly brightened up when she heard her name. She opened the window and leant out, frightened and joyous. 'What what do you want? she said. 'Open! uttered Lukashka. 'Let me in for a minute. I am so sick of waiting! It's awful!