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Wherefore many verses were written in his honour, both Latin and in the vulgar tongue, of which, in order not to make my story longer than I have set out to do, I will cite only the following: Pingant sola alii referantque coloribus ora; Cæciliæ os Raphael atque animum explicuit.

Also Caes., B.G. 6, 21: magna corporis parte nuda. Sagulo. Dim. of sago. A small short cloak. Leves==Leviter induti. The clause nudi leves is added here to show, that their dress is favorable to the use of missiles. Missilia spargunt. Dictio est Virgiliana. Coloribus. Cf. nigra scuta, Sec. 43. "Hence coats of arms and the origin of heraldry." Mur. Cultus. Military equipments.

He made her repeat to him the carmen to his Majesty; whereupon he, in the person of the king, answered her: "Dulcissima et venustissima puella, quae mihi in coloribus caeli, ut angelus Domini appares utinam semper mecum esses, nunquam mihi male caderet"; whereupon she grew red, as likewise did I, but from vexation, as may be easily guessed.

Si mihi susceptum fuerit decurrere munus, O Paphon, o sedes quae colis Idalias, Troius Aeneas Romana per oppida digno Iam tandem ut tecum carmine vectus eat: Non ego ture modo aut picta tua templa tabella Ornabo et puris serta feram manibus Corniger hos aries humilis et maxima taurus Victima sacrato sparget honore focos Marmoreusque tibi aut mille coloribus ales In morem picta stabit Amor pharetra.

Such figures have no heraldic signification; they are but the creation of fancy or taste, and recall the designs of the ancient Teutons which Tacitus describes, "Scuta tantum lectissimis coloribus distinguunt." Shotaye evidently took an interest in the stranger. He, on the other hand, looked up to her from time to time with a terrific grin that was intended for a sweet smile.

Ipsa vero Ecclesia est pulchra et rotundae formae cooperta desuper cum tegulis plumbeis, habens in Occidente turrim altam et firmam, in pauimenti Ecclesiae medio ad figuram dimidij compassi habetur nobili opere Latonico aedificatum paruum Tabernaculum quasi 15. pedum tam longitudinis quam latitudinis, et altitudinis miro artificio intus extraque compositum, ac multum diligenter diuersis coloribus ornatum.