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"I just wanted to warn you that the Colorado's no place for a morning swim," Curly said. "I'm just going to get the boss's shaving water." "There's a hint for you, Judge," Curly turned to Enoch. "I hope you plan to give more attention to your toilet after this." "You go to blazes, Curly," said Enoch amiably. "I haven't got the reputation for pulchritude to live up to that you have."

The gathered barley bleaches in shock, The corn breathes on me from the west, And the sky-line widens on and on Until I see the waves of yellow-green Break on the hills that face the snow and lilac peaks Of Colorado's mountains. At first Clement's happiness had no further base of uneasiness than the lover's fear of loss.

We killed two of them, a large one and a vicious little flat-headed sidewinder. All this land was the south rim of the silt dam, which extended from the line of cliffs or mesa on the east to the mountains on the west. The other rim, a hundred feet higher, lay at least fifty miles to the north. Here was the resting-place of a small portion of the sediment carved away by the Colorado's floods.

Colorado's fine exhibit of precious metals had, as an appropriate frame, a beautiful pavilion erected entirely from her local products. The abundance of gold in this important mining state is evinced by the fact that twenty-one of her thirty-three counties are producing that most desirable and malleable of all metals.

Fortunately for the trapper, the bear was not out for meat that day; so, after cleaning up the sweet, he went his way. The relieved and unharmed man was rescued shortly afterward. The only serious injury I have suffered from a wild animal was inflicted inside the city limits of Denver, Colorado's largest city and capital.

Unlike most of the state constitutions, Colorado's preserved inviolate the right of jury trial in criminal cases only, and therefore it seemed to me that the Legislature had plenary power to regulate it in civil suits.

In a niche that might have been scooped out by a mighty hand, where scarcely a ray of sunlight could penetrate, and no human touch could make or mar, were growing, and blooming luxuriantly, a golden columbine, Colorado's pride and glory, a rosy star-shaped blossom unknown to me, and a cluster of "Proud cyclamens on long, lithe stems that soar."

Or can it be that they have not yet been subdued into uniformity like ours? Are they unconventional nearer to wild Nature? So queries an unscientific lover of them all. This slight sketch of a few flowers gives hardly a hint of the richness of Colorado's flora. No words can paint the profusion and the beauty.

In Pennsylvania the same prison sentence is imposed, though the fine may not exceed five hundred dollars. Three years is the minimum imprisonment in Virginia, and a maximum of ten years is allowed. Colorado's law duplicates that of Massachusetts. California imposes no fine, and prescribes a sentence of from two to five years in the State prison.

Colorado's a big place, and there are plenty other fine ranges for men of your complaint why not try Routt County? This is certain, you can't stay in the same valley with my girl. I serve notice of that." "You're making a prodigious ass of yourself," observed Wayland, with calm contempt. "You think so do you? Well, I'll make a jack-rabbit out of you if I find you on this ranch again.