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There was no disobeying her, without rudeness; and indeed the girls' feet were already jigging; and Lizzie giving herself wonderful airs with a roll of learned music; and even while Annie was doing my collop, her pretty round instep was arching itself, as I could see from the parlour-door.

The crag of Lamb Head, broken into a thousand jagged slopes, is here and there overgrown with short sweet herbage. Wherever grass grows there will a Kerry calf or "collop" be found.

'It is the hind-quarter of a buck, which is cooking for the four gentlemen of the Robe; with a collop or two to follow, the landlord explained; and humbly excused himself on the ground that the gentlemen had strictly engaged it for their own eating. 'What? A whole quarter! AND a collop or two to follow! the stranger retorted, smacking his lips. 'Who are they?

Thou shalt not want a cup of wine and a collop of venison the while; and if thou lovest woodcraft, thou shalt see such as your north country never witnessed." "Or, if so please you," said Isaac, willing to curry favour with the outlaws, "I can send to York for the six hundred crowns, out of certain monies in my hands, if so be that the most reverend Prior present will grant me a quittance."

This is certainly a fact not generally known to those who use Parasols too recklessly. "Poesis Rediviva," by John Collop, M.D. , mentions Umbrellas. Michael Drayton, writing about 1620, speaks of a pair of doves, which are to watch over the person addressed in his verses:

Though the carcase on his back is still unskinned, a huge collop cut out of one of its hind-quarters tells how he has satisfied the first craving; while the gurgle of water, heard inside the canteen slung under his arm, proclaims that the second has also been appeased.

But I never counted upon being beaten so thoroughly as I was; for knowing me now to be off my guard, the young hussy stopped at the farmyard gate, as if with a brier entangling her, and while I was stooping to take it away, she looked me full in the face by the moonlight, and jerked out quite suddenly, 'Can your love do a collop, John?

On this Gito, who stood behind him, burst out a laughing; which the other taking notice of, fell upon the boy; and, "Do you," said he, "laugh too, you curl-pated chattering magpye? O the Saturnals! Why how now, sirrah! is it the month of December? When were you twenty, I pray? What would this collop dropt from the gibbet, this crows-meat, be at?

Are not you Richie Moniplies, with the king's favour?" "Even sae, Master Heriot of the ancient and honourable house of Castle Collop, near to the West Port of Edinburgh," answered Richie. "Why, please your Majesty, he is a poor serving-man," said Heriot. "This money can never be honestly at his disposal." "What for no?" said the king.

But I never counted upon being beaten so thoroughly as I was; for knowing me now to be off my guard, the young hussy stopped at the farmyard gate, as if with a brier entangling her, and while I was stooping to take it away, she looked me full in the face by the moonlight, and jerked out quite suddenly, "Can your love do a collop, John?"