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For instance, “while soluble crystalloids are always highly sapid, soluble colloids are singularly insipid,” as might be expected; for, as the sentient extremities of the nerves of the palateare probably protected by a colloidal membrane,” impermeable to other colloids, a colloid, when tasted, probably never reaches those nerves.

A robot was nothing but steel and plastic and magnetized tape and photo-micro-positronic circuits, whereas a man His Imperial Majesty Paul XXII, for instance was nothing but tissues and cells and colloids and electro-neuronic circuits. There was a difference; anybody knew that.

The limited and peculiar activity which arises in matter and which we call vital; which comes and goes; which will not stay to be analyzed; which we in vain try to reproduce in our laboratories; which is inseparable from chemistry and physics, but which is not summed up by them; which seems to use them and direct them to new ends, an entity which seems to have invaded the kingdom of inert matter at some definite time in the earth's history, and to have set up an insurgent movement there; cutting across the circuits of the mechanical and chemical forces; turning them about, pitting one against the other; availing itself of gravity, of chemical affinity, of fluids and gases, of osmosis and exosmosis, of colloids, of oxidation and hydration, and yet explicable by none of these things; clothing itself with garments of warmth and color and perfume woven from the cold, insensate elements; setting up new activities in matter; building up myriads of new unstable compounds; struggling against the tendency of the physical forces to a dead equilibrium; indeterminate, intermittent, fugitive; limited in time, limited in space; present in some worlds, absent from others; breaking up the old routine of the material forces, and instituting new currents, new tendencies; departing from the linear activities of the inorganic, and setting up the circular activities of living currents; replacing change by metamorphosis, revolution by evolution, accretion by secretion, crystallization by cell-formation, aggregation by growth; and, finally, introducing a new power into the world the mind and soul of man this wonderful, and apparently transcendental something which we call life how baffling and yet how fascinating is the inquiry into its nature and origin!

He brings together many facts to support the view that in the living tissues impaired circulation, and especially diminished oxidation, are the chief causes of increased affinity of the colloids for water. Such affinity increased by the impairment of the intra-ocular circulation, may well constitute a factor making for malignancy in glaucoma.

Either is associated with the production of substances which increase the hydration capacity of the ocular colloids." If such is the case why could not the existence of pyorrhea and blind abscesses about the roots of the teeth be the source of the toxic factors mentioned by Fischer?

Leduc are still dead matter dead colloids only one remove from crystallization; on the road to life, fore-runners of life, but not life. If he could set up the chlorophyllian process in his chemical reactions among inorganic compounds, the secret of life would be in his hands. But only the green leaf can produce chlorophyll; and yet, which was first, the leaf or the chlorophyll?

The brink of life lies not at the production of protozoa and bacteria, which are highly developed inhabitants of our world, but away down among the colloids; and the beginning of life was not a fortuitous event occurring millions of years ago and never again repeated, but one which in its primordial stages keeps on repeating itself all the time in our generation.

Increased pressure does not open new channels for the escape of intra-ocular fluid; if, indeed, it does not tend to close the normal channels. The affinity of the tissues for water, or, as Fischer explains it, the affinity of the tissue colloids for water, seems too little related to the requirements of ocular function to furnish the needed regulation of tension.

All substances, however, that appear to be in solution are not able to penetrate membranes, or take part in osmosis. *Kinds of Solutions in the Body.*—The substances in solution in the body liquids are of two general kinds known as colloids and crystalloids. The crystalloids are able to pass through membranous partitions, while the colloids are not.

The steps or stages from the depths of matter by which life arose, lead up from that imaginary something, the electron, to the inorganic colloids, or to the crystallo-colloids, which are the threshold of life, each stage showing some new transformation of energy.