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Then you go home to your wife and settle down, throw away that coffin-plate, tear up that epitaph, and stop this dyin' habit. It's a bad one to get into." "I won't do any such thing," returned the prodigal, stubbornly.

Infinite was the relief when two of the ladies attired in black, who had sat on either side of me, as though to guard me from running away, lifted me gently each under an armpit, and held me up so that I could see the writing on the coffin-plate, which was of embossed silver and very brave to view. "Can you read it out, my little man?" a deep rich voice as of a lady sounded in mine ears.

Cobbett remarked, 'Great, indeed, must that man have been whose very bones attract such attention! The officer took up the coffin-plate inscribed, 'Thomas Paine, Aged 72. Died January 8, 1809, and, having lifted up several of the bones, replaced the whole and passed them. They have since been forwarded from this town to London."

I've got to fix it on this very night. The carefully-packed articles were a coffin-plate and coronet. Knight and Stephen came forward.

She would just run over and talk to him about ordering the coffin; then she could attend to all other necessary preliminaries herself. The remains had been well-to-do, and there was no occasion for sordid economy, so Aunt Hitty determined in her own mind to have the latest fashion in everything, including a silver coffin-plate. The Butterfield coffin-plates were a thing to be proud of.

Nora gave the boy some tea and bread and butter to eat whilst Owen was doing the coffin-plate, and presently Frankie who had been playing out in the street made his appearance. The two boys were already known to each other, for Bert had been there several times before on errands similar to the present one, or to take lessons on graining and letter-painting from Owen.

The next week Owen earned eight shillings altogether: a few hours he put in assisting Crass to wash off and whiten a ceiling and paint a room, and there was one coffin-plate. He wrote the latter at home, and while he was doing it he heard Frankie who was out in the scullery with Nora say to her: 'Mother, how many more days to you think we'll have to have only dry bread and tea?

She seemed so immeasurably removed from me now; and that not merely because I could no longer think of her as Anne Pendennis, only as "The Grand Duchess Anna Catharine Petrovna, daughter of the Countess Anna Vassilitzi-Pendennis, and wife of Loris Nicolai Alexis, Grand Duke of Russia," as the French inscription on the coffin-plate ran, but also because the mystery that had surrounded her in life seemed more impenetrable than ever now that she was dead.

He had finished writing the coffin-plate, and as it was now nearly dry he put on his coat and took it down to the carpenter's shop at the yard. On his way back he met Easton, who had been hanging about in the vain hope of seeing Hunter and finding out if there was any chance of a job.

Bert accordingly played, and Frankie sang at the top of his voice a selection of popular songs, including 'The Old Bull and Bush', 'Has Anyone seen a German Band?, 'Waiting at the Church' and finally possibly as a dirge for the individual whose coffin-plate Owen was writing 'Goodbye, Mignonette' and 'I wouldn't leave my little wooden hut for you'.