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"But you're going to forget those soul-destroying little coffin-nails," Reade suggested. "You're going to become a man and act like one. You're going to learn how much more fun it is to have your lungs filled with pure air instead of stifling cigarette smoke." "Maybe I am!" muttered the boy. "Oh, yes; I'm sure of it," said Reade cheerfully. Cl-cl-cl-click!

I guess one of the fellows was in here before me. They're always swiping your coffin-nails. You ought to do something about it, pop. You ought to assert yourself." A sense of helplessness came upon Mr. Pett. For the thousandth time he felt himself baffled by this calm, goggle-eyed boy who treated him with such supercilious coolness.

Not a breath for you, though you snap and catch for one worse than a fish on land." "It's over very soon, mother," said Dahlia. "The coldness of you young women! Yes; but it's the time you feeling, trying for air; it's the horrid 'Oh, dear me! You set your mind on it!" "I do," said Dahlia. "You see coffin-nails instead of stars. You'd give the world to turn upon one side. You can't think.

"None o' them coffin-nails fer me," declined the Spartan. "I smokes men's terbacker." Graves gave him a cigar which he chanced to have about him. "I don't seem to have a match left," he observed, fumbling in his pockets. Jasper Hinchey calmly relieved him of his cigarette, lit his cigar with it, and restored the costly importation, malodorous of fish.

His names is Danvers Captain Danvers; a right peert young chap, in the reg'lar army. I saw them yesterday, Evaleen and him her name's Evaleen walking, spooney-like, down by Muskingum, and I says to myself, 'By the holy artichokes, I'd like to be in the captain's military boots." "Are you sure they are engaged?" queried Arlington. "Yes, sure as coffin-nails; why? Do you know the Spring Beauty?"

The wisdom for social purposes of infinitesimal division of labour, may be proved good by working well; but its lowering influences on the individual mind cannot be doubted: that an intelligent man should for a life-time be doomed to watch a valve, or twist pin-heads, or wind cotton, or lacquer coffin-nails, cannot be improving; and while I grant great evil in my desultory excesses, still I may make some use of that argument in the converse, and plead that it is good to exercise the mind on all things.

William was not a smoker that is to say, he had made the usual boyhood experiments, finding them discouraging; and though at times he considered it humorously man-about-town to say to a smoking friend, "Well, I'll tackle one o' your ole coffin-nails," he had never made a purchase of tobacco in his life.

That's why I've never allowed any white-papered little 'coffin-nails' to fool around me. Bad as your lungs are, Alf, they're not one whit worse than your nerves. You'll go to pieces if you find yourself under the least strain. You'll get to shivering and crying, if you don't stop smoking cigarettes." "Don't you believe it," muttered the boy, sullenly.

"I don't want your money," she said, wheeling her barrow further. "What you wish to keep back from my salary may remain for the master's coffin-nails." "What, you cursed witch!" exclaimed Sárvölgyi. "What did you dare to say to me?" Mistress Borcsa was already outside the gate. She thrust her head in again, and said: "I made a mistake.

But this did not quite please Hodge, who watched his roommate closely, his uneasiness growing as he saw how care-free Merriwell seemed. What had brought about such a change? Had Frank thrown his resolutions to the wind? "I've got a supply of coffin-nails," said Snell, as he produced several packages of cigarettes. "Help yourselves, gentlemen. Pass them round."