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Behind us lies penury and squalor, before us glitters jewelled opulence. From Mr. David Crimp to Montague Tigg, Esq. The Golden Balls, May 28. Dear Mr. Tigg, You always WERE full of your chaff, but you must have been drinking when you wrote all that cock-and-a-bull gammon. Thirty pounds! No; nor fifteen; nor as many pence.

I will not tell tales out of school; so you may set your mind at rest. It is not, however, as you think, Frank. Cheer up; and good-bye, my dear boy. I must be trotting off now, or my poor blind woman will think I'm never coming to read to her." And off she went, leaving me much happier than old Shuffler had done. Confound him! What did he mean, with his cock-and-a-bull story?

Let you, Jem Coogan, Brian Murphy, Paddy Delany, and Andy O'Donnell, go back, and tell the wife and two childher a cock-and-a-bull story about Mat say that he is coming to Findramore for good and all, and that'll be thruth, you know; and that he ordhered yez to bring her and them afther him; and we can come back for the furniture to-morrow."

Sparsit's direction; and then, abruptly turning upon the niece of Lady Scadgers, said to that wretched woman: 'Now, ma'am! We shall be happy to hear any little apology you may think proper to offer, for going about the country at express pace, with no other luggage than a Cock-and-a-Bull, ma'am! 'Sir, whispered Mrs.

He told you that cock-and-a-bull story to excite your imagination, and then, feeling sure that you would sooner or later try and escape by night, he kept guard in this rig. The only wonder is that he didn't succeed in either killing you or driving you mad with fright." "Never mind now, dear," Tom whispered, as he saw the look of fear spring into her eyes at the recollection of what had passed.

"Ah! by the by, you have some cock-and-a-bull story about him, I fancy, but you never could explain yourself, it is merely for the love of seeming wise that you invented it, eh, Goody?" The old woman shook her head, and crossing her hands on her knee, replied with peculiar emphasis, but in a very low and whispered voice, "I could hang him!" "Pooh!" "Tell you I could!"

"Pooh, nonsense, the rascal has only been `pulling your leg' with a cock-and-a-bull story, Jack," said dad in a contemptuous tone when I had finished for he was an officer of the old school and always believed in the obligations of discipline, invariably "sticking up" for those superior to him in rank in the service "I knew old Admiral Fitzblazes myself very well, and a better officer and gentleman never wore the Queen's uniform!"

I have heard him tell a cock-and-a-bull story of having seen the ghost of his father's servant, John Burnet, with as much sincerity as if he believed every word he was saying. Both Henry and Thomas were saving men, yet both died very poor. The one at one time possessed £200,000; the other had a considerable fortune. The Earl alone has died wealthy.

"Ah! by the by, you have some cock-and-a-bull story about him, I fancy, but you never could explain yourself, it is merely for the love of seeming wise that you invented it, eh, Goody?" The old woman shook her head, and crossing her hands on her knee, replied with peculiar emphasis, but in a very low and whispered voice, "I could hang him!" "Pooh!" "Tell you I could!"

You are not going, I hope, to annex to that most splendid ornament of Southey's poem all this cock-and-a-bull story of Joan, the publican's daughter of Neufchâtel, with the lamentable episode of a wagoner, his wife, and six children. The texture will be most lamentably disproportionate.