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But it was neither weasel nor stoat, but a very large snake, which came right across the open space they were in making Fred turn quite pale, for his imagination immediately whispered to him of poison fangs, rattlesnakes, cobras, and all sorts of venomous brutes.

I do not know if there are any instances recorded of recovery from the bite of a cobra, but if so, they are exceedingly rare. Early one morning we found a cobra in a sleepy state, just outside one of the church doors. By his swollen condition it was evident that he was digesting his last meal. It was easy to despatch him with a long bamboo, which we keep for cobras.

'Just think, he saved all our lives. Rikki-tikki woke up with a jump, for all the mongooses are light sleepers. 'Oh, it's you, said he. 'What are you bothering for? All the cobras are dead; and if they weren't, I'm here.

All the inmates were gone to the church on the mall, and the servants were basking in the last few days of warmth they would enjoy before their masters returned to the plains. The Hindoo servant hates the cold. He fears it as he fears cobras, fever, and freemasons.

Being got within the entrance your Course up the Bay is North by West 1/2 West and North-North-West something more than one League; this brings you the length of the great Road, and North-West and West-North-West one league more carrys you the length of the Ilha dos Cobras, which lies before the City.

You must have read of these serpent-charmers in storybooks, as they charm even wild cobras in that way. So it is quite true that several kinds of animals can be charmed with particular kinds of soft music, such as the music of the flute and the violin. I shall tell you all about that in my next book.

We expected to see coolies, and palanquins, and bungalows, and cobras, and " "Well, you need not hanker long after the last-named," laughed her father, "for there is a snake-charmer this minute, and I don't doubt he has a fine collection about him somewhere."

But she laughed at them with mirth that was so evidently unassumed that they blushed to their ears. "Look!" she said; and they looked. Two great gray cobras, male and female, swayed behind them less than a yard away, balanced for the strike, hoods raised. The awful, ugly black eyes gleamed with malice.

But there was something else of ominous portent noticable. Simultaneously, northwest, east and southeast of our line three huge German captive balloons reared their heads for all the world like golden hooded cobras. Away, twenty miles to the south, in the sky could be seen the snaky outline of a zeppelin. The Germans were taking observations.

"I have used such a thing among the buffaloes when I served in the Man-Pack. The Father of Cobras I am sorrowful that I made a jest of him knew the breed well, as I might have known. Said I not that men kill for idleness?" "Indeed, they killed for the sake of the red and blue stones," Bagheera answered. "Remember, I was in the King's cages at Oodeypore."