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Plainly it costs the sovereign pain to dismiss the National Guard. It gave him so brilliant a welcome in 1814. He was its generalissimo under the reign of Louis XVIII. He has liked to wear its uniform, the blue coat with broad fringes of silver that becomes him so well. But the ministers, except the Duke of Doudeauville and M. de Chabrol, pronounce strongly in favor of disbandment.

Now and then a seaman would be seen either returning to his ship or hurrying along the wharf towards the city with his coat collar turned up to his ears, and his hands thrust into the capacious pockets of his heavy jacket; the whole scene was miserable and depressing. Presently a policeman appeared, walking slowly along under the shelter of the warehouse walls.

The Southrons saw Dundee, who had now changed his scarlet coat for one of less conspicuous colour, ride along the line, and as he passed each clan they saw plaids and brogues flung off. They heard the shout with which the word to advance was hailed; but the cheer they sent back did not carry with it the conviction of victory. Lochiel turned to his Camerons with a smile.

Nikita took off his coat, shook it again, hung it up beside the oven, and came up to the table. He too was offered vodka.

They were the bluest eyes that Babbacombe had ever seen. He accepted the curt acknowledgment with grave courtesy, and made a motion toward the car. "Will you get in? My name is Babbacombe. I am here to meet you, as no doubt you have been told. You had better wear this" opening out the coat he carried. But West remained motionless, facing him on the grey, deserted road.

Always think the best about others, and believe the best, and you will grow to be open-hearted, friendly, lovable and big. Once upon a time, according to an old fable, the sun and the northwind had a contest to see which could take a man's coat off the more quickly. The northwind tried first.

Then he marched back and forth, looking at his fine new coat. He even tried to walk like the peacock. The peafowls came into the yard. They did not know at first what to make of the sight. Then they saw that the crow was trying to dress and act as they did. They flew at him, calling, "Away with the cheat! Away with the cheat!"

Betty, she's got that chintz gown that was your Sunday best, Dolly the flowered one, you know, that Dianner outgrowed. We must fix them lawn ruffles into 't; and there's a blue ribbin laid away in my chest o' drawers that'll tie her hair. It's dreadful lucky we've got new shoes all round; and Obed's coat and breeches is as good as new, if they be made out of his pa's weddin' suit.

Being asked how a man in his circumstances, being under no necessities, but on the contrary, in a way very likely to do well, came to be guilty of so unaccountable an act as the knocking down a poor man and taking away his coat, he said that though he was in a fair way of living, and had a very careful and industrious wife, yet for some time past, he had been disturbed in his mind, and that the morning he committed the robbery he took the club out of his own house, being an instrument made use of by his wife in the trade of a silk-throwster, and from a sudden impulse of mind attacked the man in the manner which had been sworn against him.

Having thus accoutred himself, he came down-stairs, and, finding his guests in such a sound slumber, he had not the heart to waken them; so he gently took them up, and put one of them in each of the side-pockets of the coat which he wore over his armor.