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Having obtained trustworthy information at Coruña and Oporto, he decided rather to begin his campaign from a difficult landing-place south of Oporto at the mouth of the Mondego, and to march thence upon Lisbon. He was opportunely joined by General Spencer from the south of Spain, and chose the coast-road by Torres Vedras.

Ay sure! a word to Lieutenant Brown, and I would send the people with you by the coast-road. 'No, no! that won't do. Brown's dead, shot, laid in the locker, man; the devil has the picking of him. 'Dead? shot? At Woodbourne, I suppose? replied Glossin. 'Yaw, Mynheer.

This direction was chosen, because the Chevalier had received notice that the army of the Government, arriving by sea from Aberdeen, had landed at Dunbar, and quartered the night before to the west of Haddington, with the intention of falling down towards the sea-side, and approaching Edinburgh by the lower coast-road.

From Marazion to Penzance there are three miles of flat, uninteresting road perhaps the dullest bit of coast-road in all Cornwall, were it not for the beauty of the Bay. Whatever claims other places may set up, Penzance is truly the business capital of western Cornwall, the metropolis of the Land's End district. It is first and foremost a market-town.

They are missed by all those who, instead of going by the picturesque and winding coast-road from Pontaubault, take the straight and dusty route nationale to Pontorson, and then turn to follow the tramway that has in recent years been extended along the causeway to the mount itself.

If you ever supposed that Macartney was nothing but a solicitor, you were never more mistaken in your life except when you thought that Lucy was a possible law-breaker." At the moment, and from where they stood, the sea-scape and the coast-road stood revealed before and behind them for many a league. In front it descended by sharp spirals to a river-bed.

How the young fellow laughed and joked as the party drove away again from the Butt, down the long coast-road to Barvas! He was tenderly respectful and a little moderate in tone when he addressed Sheila, but with the others he gave way to a wild exuberance of spirits that delighted Mackenzie beyond measure.

The Gethin Castle Inn was a much better house of entertainment than might have been looked for in a spot so secluded from the world, and far from the great arteries of travel. A coast-road passed through the little village leading from Turlock to the now almost disused harbor at Polwheel, and that was the sole means of getting to Gethin save on foot or horseback.

At one time the road was reported impassable, and we put off our second excursion for this reason and others until just before we left Deephaven, late in October. We knew the coast-road would be bad after the fall rains, and we found that Leander, the eldest of the Dockum boys, had some errand that way, so he went with us. We enjoyed the drive that morning in spite of the rough road.

Turning south again from New Plymouth by the coast-road, Chute had to fight but once in completing a march right round Mount Egmont, and thenceforward, except on its southern verge, long-distracted Taranaki saw no more campaigning. Other districts were less fortunate. By the early part of 1865 the Hau-Hau craze was at work on the east as well as the west coast.