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The virtues attributed to it are those of a detergent and aperient; whence it has been usually ranked among the opening roots, and recommended in obstructions of the viscera, particularly of the kidneys, in coagulations of the blood from falls or bruises, in the jaundice, and beginning dropsies.

Be thankful if they do not become coagulations and produce gangrene, be thankful if they do not reproduce the cancer! While the patient breathes, we must not lose hope, and however late we be, a judicious examination is never superfluous; at least the cause of death may be known.

Boerhaave esteems them capable, if duly continued, of resolving almost all kinds of coagulations, and opening very obstinate obstructions of the viscera. LINUM usitatissimum. FLAX. The Seeds.

It is to be observed and remembred, as experience manifests, and is proved, that the great Light of heaven bears an especial sympathy, affection and inclination to the little earthly fire, by means of the spiritual Air, whereby they are both promoted and preserved from Mortality; for behold, when the Air receives into it a Coruption, by too great humidity attracted up by it, that Clouds are generated by Mists, and farther coagulations, which hinder the Sun-beams that they cannot have a reflection, nor get a right penetrating power.

For we find that the depth of an hill, and the depth of a cave from the flat, is the same thing; both remote alike from the sun and heaven's beams, and from the open air. These caves we call the lower region. And we use them for all coagulations, indurations, refrigerations, and conservations of bodies.

These caves we call the Lower Region; and we use them for all coagulations, indurations, refrigerations, and conservations of bodies. We use them likewise for the imitation of natural mines; and the producing also of new artificial metals, by compositions and materials which we use, and lay there for many years.

His experiments reveal, for example, that "coagulations" effected by different acids vary according to the fluid; thus, the addition of "alumina" to bovine amniotic fluid produced a few, fine precipitations, whereas the allantoic fluid was precipitated like urine.