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First thing he hollers for when he gets here is oysters. Looks like you all didn't have no public spirit. Are we goin' to give this here Eastern man the things he's used to, kinder gentle him along like, you know, and so get all the closeter and easier to him, or are we goin' to throw him down cold, and leave him dissatisfied the first day he strikes our camp?

No, sir; they never was a man with more genuine fashionableness sticking out all over him than Doctor Kirby. He jest fairly wallered in it. I hadn't paid no pertic'ler attention to the other feller with him when they stopped at our place, excepting to notice he was kind of slim and blackhaired and funny complected. But I seen now I orter of looked closeter.

A mighty grand gentleman from the City he set up for. I watched him, and I watched him. Says I, I don't believe you're no gentleman, says I. He eat with his knife, and that ain't the way city folks eats. Every time I handed him anything I looked closeter and closeter. Them whiskers never grooved on them cheeks, says I to myself.

Then he turns his face toward us, and comes slow and sollum down the road in our direction, walking with a cane, and moving very dignified. He was a couple of hundred yards away. But as he come closeter we gradually seen him plainer and plainer.

But somehow er 'nudder he could n' git away fum dat shote; w'en he tuk one step for'ards wid one foot, de yuther foot 'peared ter take two steps back'ards, en so he kep' nachly gittin' closeter en closeter ter de shote. It was de beatin'es' thing! De shote des 'peared ter cha'm Primus, en fus' thing you know Primus foun' hisse'f 'way up de road wid de shote on his back.

And the other two niggers quit pertending to fool around the team and edged a little closeter, and a little closeter yet, with their mouths open and their heads a-nodding and the whites of their eyes a-rolling. Fur my part, I never hearn such a lot of dern foolishness in all my life. But the doctor, he says nothing at all.

Want to know why it ain't going to do you any good to drop that right hand any closeter to your hip pocket?" Still Dunke said nothing, but the candle-glow that lit his face showed an ugly expression. "Don't you whip that gun out, Joe Dunke. Don't you! 'Cause why? If you do you're a goner." "What do you mean?"

The New Mexican showed a double row of pearly teeth in a bland smile. "Pardon, sir. If you would explain a leetle more fully I would then comprehend." "Sure. Here's the way it is. Dick and his three men are plugging away at the breast of the drift with air-drills. Every day he gits closeter to that lake dammed up there. Right now there can't be more'n a few feet of granite 'twixt him and it.

I jest heard 'em shoutin' that the men from Chitford had worked round from the upper end. So they've got a ring round it. Nothin' to do now but watch that it don't jump. My! 'Twas a close call. I've been to a lot of fires in my day, but I d'know as I ever see a closeter call!" "It can't be over!" cried Sylvia, looking at the lurid light across the road. "Why, it isn't an hour since we " "Land!

And Sam, as the bishop come closeter and closeter, got to jerking and twitching with the excitement that he had been keeping in and yet all the time Sam knowed it was dope and works and not faith that had made him spotted that-a-way. He stops, the bishop does, about ten yards from us and looks us over.