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"Everybody that's got plates, take 'em out," added Martha, the administrative, catching the infection and going a step beyond. "Why, we can borrer every stitch we want," said Lydia Vesey. "Borrer of the dead an' borrer of the livin'. I know every rag o' clo'es that's been made in this town, last thirty years.

Re-enter JIM. Gives a bun to JACK. Jim. I tell you what, Bill she ain't your Mattie. She ain't nobody's Mattie; she's a hangel. Bill. No, Jim, she ain't a hangel; she 'ain't got no wings, leastways outside her clo'es, and she 'ain't got clo'es enough to hide 'em. I wish I wos a hangel! Jack. At it again, Bill! I do like to hear Bill a wishin' of hisself! Why, Bill? Bill.

You know what I think, mamma? I think he goes out that way an' through the kitchen on account of papa's clo'es." Mrs. Baxter paused, with her hand upon the key of the shaded electric lamp. "I suppose so," she said. "I think perhaps " For a moment or two she wrapped herself in thought.

They were not very thin and not at all used to being shut, and in another instant they opened again. "Sho! De boy! Is dat you, Dick? Dat's wot comes of dressin' on him up. How's he goin' to git clo'es? Wot's he got to do wid de 'cad'my, anyhow? Wot am I to do, yer, all alone, arter he's gone, I'd like to know? Who's goin' to run err'nds an' do de choahs?

"The veather is splendit, ve shall drife to the Champs Elysees, and Montame Saint-Estefe and Eugenie shall carry dere all your clo'es an' your linen, an' ve shall dine in de Rue Saint-Georches." "I will do whatever you please," said Esther, "if only you will be so kind as to call my cook Asie, and Eugenie Europe.

I could lend the clo'es. They'd be short fer yeh, but that'd be all the better gag. We cud swap an' I'd do the gen'lman act a while." He looked covetously at Michael's handsome brown tweeds "Den you goes fom house to house, er you stands on de corner " "Begging!" said Michael aghast.

Maybe you think I can't tell a cloak from a bed blanket, never havin' made one, and maybe ye think I don't know my own clo'es when I see 'em on folks. I made that red cloak for Miss Jane two years ago, and I know every stitch in it.

I don't know as the boys would 'a' killed him EXACTLY ef they had kotched him, though they mought; but they got Abe Shivers, as tol' the feller they was a-comin' you've heard tell o' Abe-an' they mos' beat Abraham Shivers to death. Stranger, the sorry cuss was Dave. Rosie hadn't no daddy an' no mammy; an' she was jes a-workin' at Dave's fer her victuals an' clo'es.

"Them's nice clo'es you've got on," said he, sarcastically, as Dick came up. "Yes," said Dick, promptly. "I've been employin' your tailor. If my face was only dirty we'd be taken for twin brothers." "So you've give up tryin' to be a swell?" "Only for this partic'lar occasion," said Dick. "I wanted to make a fashionable call, so I put on my regimentals."

John stood staring at her, frowning in his bewilderment. "What have you done to yourself?" he asked. "Put on her clo'es?" "Yes," said Lucy Ann, "but that ain't all. I guess I do resemble mother, though we ain't any of us had much time to think about it. Well, I am pleased. I took out that daguerreotype she had, down Saltash way, though it don't favor her as she was at the end.