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"Ho, hum," he said, straightening the reins, with a "clk" to the horses, and they drove along for a while in silence so long, in fact, that our friend, while aware that the elder man did not usually abandon a topic until he had "had his say out," was moved to suggest a continuance of the narrative which had been rather abruptly broken off, and in which he had become considerably interested.

The tranter intimated by his tone that, so far from being inquisitive, he did not even wish to ask a single question. "Mr. Shiner, I believe." "Clk, my sonny! beg your pardon, sir, that's only a form of words of mine, and slipped out accidental he nourishes enmity against us for some reason or another; perhaps because we played rather hard upon en Christmas night. Anyhow 'tis certain sure that Mr.

"Clk! clk! clk!" cried Bianchon, making the sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth, like a driver urging on a horse. "He holds himself like a duke and a peer of France," said Mme. Vauquer. "Are you going a-courting?" inquired Mlle. Michonneau. "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" cried the artist. "My compliments to my lady your wife," from the employe at the Museum.

He had by this time begun to write, and murmured as he wrote "Twenty-three and a half from N.W. Sixteen and three-quarters from N.E." There, that's all. Now I seal it up and give it to you to keep safe till I ask ye for it, or you hear of my being trampled down by the enemy. 'What does it mean? she asked, as she received the paper. 'Clk! Ha! ha!

"Stay where you are, and attend to the horse!" said Troy, peremptorily throwing her the reins and the whip. "Walk the horse to the top: I'll see to the woman." "But I " "Do you hear? Clk Poppet!" The horse, gig, and Bathsheba moved on. "How on earth did you come here? I thought you were miles away, or dead!

Dick worked steadily, and Ruth plodded slowly along. As they neared the end at the same time the watchers grew greatly excited. "I bet on Ruth!" cried King; "go it, Ruth! get up! g'lang there!" "Go on, Dick," cried Marjorie. "Clk! Clk! go 'long!" On sped the cutters, but just as it seemed as if they must finish at the same time, Dick gave a little nervous jerk at his paper, and it tore right off.

"Ay but I reckon you'll do't, all the same, for t'other half that's to come when you've got en safe an' sound. Dirty hands make clean money." "Well, well; ye've been dirtily sarved. I'll see 'ee this arternoon at the 'Four Lords. We've orders to sail at five, sharp; so there's no time to waste." "Then I won't detain 'ee. Clk, Jessamy!"

"Stay where you are, and attend to the horse!" said Troy, peremptorily throwing her the reins and the whip. "Walk the horse to the top: I'll see to the woman." "But I " "Do you hear? Clk Poppet!" The horse, gig, and Bathsheba moved on. "How on earth did you come here? I thought you were miles away, or dead!

"All I can make of it is," the tranter said, raising his whip, arranging his different joints and muscles, and motioning to the horse to move on, "that if you can't read a maid's mind by her motions, nature d'seem to say thou'st ought to be a bachelor. Clk, clk! Smiler!" And the tranter moved on.

Extracted by JO. THORBURN, Pr. Clk. Not long after the civil establishment of Popery in Canada, new privileges, civil and religious, were bestowed upon the professors of that religion at home, both in England and Ireland, by which Catholics have received toleration, under the sanction of law, openly to profess and practice their idolatry, to open seminaries of learning for the public instruction of youth in their own religion, and to purchase and transfer estates to their Popish relations, in direct opposition to the established laws of the land, framed by our Protestant ancestors, under the sense of felt necessity, whereby Catholics were laid under disabilities, as to the enjoyment of those privileges, which they saw to be inconsistent with the peace of the state and safety of the Protestant religion, on account of the barbarous massacres committed by Catholics upon Protestants, and the numerous hostile attempts made to overturn, by violence, the Protestant religion within these lands, as proceeding from the sanguinary spirit of Popery.