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Though somewhat free, it renders with vigour the ideas of the original text. The Loeb Series has a version by Smith. Clio Enthroned by W. R. M. Lamb, Cambridge, should be read in conjunction with the above. The author adopts the traditional estimate of Thucydides. See also Bury, Ancient Greek Historians, as above.

Macaulay is so eminent a master. Now of the fancy and fashion of this we should not complain quite the contrary in a professed novel: there is a theatre in which it would be exquisitely appropriate and attractive; but the Temple of History is not the floor for a morris-dance the Muse Clio is not to be worshipped in the halls of Terpsichore. We are ready to admit an hundred times over Mr.

Duncombe caught at the opportunity of exhibiting the sparkling water of the well which supplied this same lane. The widow lived in one of the tenements which Pettitt had renovated under her guidance, and on a loan advanced by Cecil, and she was proud of her work. "Clio Tallboys would view this as a triumph," said Mrs.

They may think we're stupid animals, but before you two and the Secret Service get done with them they'll have another think coming." "That's the old fight, Clio!" cheered Costigan. "I haven't got it figured out as close as you have, but I see you, eye to eye.

Addison furnished all the papers marked with any Letters of the Muse CLIO; and which were generally most admired. Tickell, who had no kindness for Sir Richard Steel, meanly supposes that he marked his paper out of precaution against Sir Richard; which was an ill-natur'd insinuation; for in the conclusion of the Spectators, he acknowledges to Mr.

Up a series of ramps they took the still form, placing it finally upon a soft couch in an enormous and heavily guarded central hall. Costigan turned to his companion, Clio, and even through the helmets she could see plainly the white agony of his expression.

Professor Germar has given to a species of beetle the name Lonchophorus, but the same had already been described by Mac Leay, under the name of Phanæus. Eighthly, a Clio, about a line in length, with a projection from the globular part of the body.

It has first choice of the sophomores this year, you know, and Clio Club has second; and we were guessing who would go in to-night among the first four." "Well, you know now, don't you?" "Know? I should think not," said Betty impressively. "Helen Chase Adams, haven't you noticed that society elections aren't announced till the next Monday morning?

Clio looked once, then gasped, shutting her eyes and turning away from the table, but Costigan flipped the three fish into a platter and set it aside before he turned back to the visiplate. "They'll go good fried," he remarked to Bradley, signaling vigorously to Nerado that the meal was not acceptable and that he wanted to talk to him, in person.

Why they have not come to occupy the prominent place that two similar organizations hold at Princeton, the Clio and Whig societies, whose two marble temples are one of the distinguishing marks of Princeton's Campus, is a matter for speculation. Probably the fact that Princeton long remained a college while Michigan early became a university with a more inclusive curriculum, will best explain it.