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Our venerated Teacher studied assiduously afterwards in the great London Hospitals, but I think he used to quote his "old Master" ten times where he quoted Mr. Cline or Dr. Woodville once.

He might be beyond wish to play the lover, but he knew that every man can endure being loved. He also knew that some are possessed a dream, a spell, what you will for their life long. Kitty Cline was one of these. He thought he must go away, but he did not. From the hour he decided to stay misfortune began.

His suggestion was noisily accepted, then after an exchange of views Murray Logan confessed that he had bolted a directors' meeting, and that ruin stared him in the face unless he returned immediately. Achille Marigny, it appeared, had unceremoniously fled from the trial of an important lawsuit, and Raymond Cline was needed at the bank.

The circus paid its annual visit, to the joy of the rural Congressmen and the negroes, who congregated around its sawdust ring, applauding each successive act of horsemanship and laughing at the repetition of the clown's old jokes; a daring rope-dancer, named Herr Cline, performed his wonderful feats on the tight rope and on the slack wire; Finn gave annual exhibitions of fancy glass- blowing; and every one went to see "the living skeleton," a tall, emaciated young fellow named Calvin Edson, compared with whom Shakespeare's starved apothecary was fleshy.

"Take it easy, Marigny," called Cline; "we've saved her." Some one laughed, and the suspicion that he had been hoaxed swept over Blake. "What's the joke?" he demanded. "I was frightened to death." "The house is quarantined." "I never dreamed you'd all come," Miss Warren was saying, sweetly. "It was very gallant, and I shall never forget it never."

Its reception by the medical profession was highly discouraging; but progress began when Cline, the surgeon of St. Thomas's Hospital, used the treatment with success. Jenner continued his investigations, publishing his results from time to time, and gradually gaining recognition; though opposition to his theory and practise was at first vehement, and has never entirely disappeared.

There must be an awakening on this subject; other Woolmans and other Benezets must arise and speak the truth with the meek love of James and the fervent sincerity of Paul. To the women of America, whose sympathies know no distinction of cline, or sect, or color, the suffering slave is making a strong appeal.

L. W. Cline studied by the census method returns from 2,594 children, who were asked what they wished to be and do. He found that in naming both ideals and occupations girls were more conservative than boys, but more likely to give a reason for their choice. In this respect country children resembled boys more than city children.

Of course there was no choice but to surrender on the spot. He began to squander his dizzy wits in profuse apologies. Lady Camper simply spoke of the nice little nest of a garden, smelt the flowers, accepted a Niel rose and a Rohan, a Cline, a Falcot, and La France. 'A beautiful rose indeed, she said of the latter, 'only it smells of macassar oil.

According to Ashhurst, Philips, the elder Cline, Willard Parker, Bayard, Stephen Smith, May, and several other surgeons, have recorded complete recovery after fracture of the atlas and axis. The same author also adds that statistic investigation shows that as large a proportion as 18 per cent of injuries of the cervical vertebrae occurring in civil practice, recover.