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Now, when our whole state was ablaze with joy at the action of the legislature in providing for the work, Governor Clinton was invited to come and first strike the spade into the earth in digging the new canals. He arrived by steamboat at Cleveland, where the people received him and his train of distinguished New Yorkers with rejoicings worthy of the great event.

A spy was with him, she who had come to spy out the land when she had come to Cleveland Square. Perhaps it was very absurd, but the remembrance of Bella Donna prevented Isaacson now from announcing his presence on the Nile. He was resolved to come to her as she had once come to him. She had appeared in Cleveland Square carrying her secret reason with her.

There is nothing trivial or false about the critical and ethical views which Miss Cleveland gives bravely, although they are not invariably rendered with the felicity and pointed phrase which come from a careful selection of words and symbols. She is a little dazzled by the flowers and fruitage of a fancy which most of us are compelled to curb and prune to meet the requisitions of time and space.

Sargent was appointed resident engineer, and while there, seeing the advantages that Sandusky was likely to gain over Cleveland by her railways, at the solicitation of J. W. Gray, he sent a communication to the Plain Dealer, illustrating the same with a map, urging the construction of a railroad from Cleveland to Columbus and Cincinnati.

Hart's recollection of his early days in Cleveland, was the general turning out of the people to receive and welcome the father of internal improvements.

The club also held a joint meeting with the Chicago Society of Artists, when Mr. N.S. Patton discussed the question of "The Architectural and Artistic Possibilities of the Lake Front." The annual banquet and meeting of the Cleveland Architectural Club was held at the Hollenden Hotel Thursday evening, November 14, with about forty present.

At Cleveland Archie's last doubt as to his mentor's connection with the underworld of which he talked so entertainingly was removed. Reaching the city at midnight the car was left at a garage downtown, their trunks expressed to Chicago, and they arrived by a devious course at an ill-smelling boarding house.

From that time, it was not the fault of Mr. and Mrs. Merton if Lord Doltimore did not find their house the pleasantest in the county. One evening the rectory party were assembled together in the cheerful drawing-room. Cleveland, Mr.

The measure was however, strongly opposed by the Duke of Cleveland, because the proposed line passed close by one of his fox covers; and the bill was rejected. A new survey was then made, avoiding the Duke’s cover; and in 1819 a renewed application was made to Parliament.

The scheme was strongly opposed by many on account of the debt it would involve. But it was finally accomplished, and we are more indebted to Richard Hilliard for its achievement than to any other man. Shortly after coming to Cleveland he became engaged to Miss Mary Merwin, daughter of Noble H. Merwin, who died before the marriage.