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One day when the mail came in, a friend of George Clerque told us he had written from France, and there was great, but, of necessity, quiet rejoicing. That night Bromley and I decided that we would volunteer for farm service, if we could get taken to Rossbach, where some of the other boys had been working, for Rossbach was eighteen miles south of Giessen on the way to Switzerland.

"You hought to 'ave a mo' larger sto' an' some clerque," pursued Aurora. The apothecary answered that he was contemplating the enlargement of his present place or removal to a roomier, and that he had already employed an assistant. "Oo it is, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?" Clotilde turned toward the questioner a remonstrative glance.

Major George Clerque, speaking a good German and being in connection in Germany with some people being able to favorise his evasion, has been retaken. GIESSEN, den 19th July, 1915. Although the notice said he had been captured we held to the hope that he had not, for we knew the German way of using the truth only when it suits better than anything they can frame themselves.

One of these, a Frenchman named George Clerque, a Sergeant Major in the French Army, was convinced that he could do better work if he had a suit of civilian clothes; and as he had the confidence of the prison authorities, the suit was given him.

All of which speaks well for young Misther Stewart, and it also speaks well for his grandparents, who had brought him up in a good, sensible way to work, economize and keep a civil tongue in his Irish head. His grandfather didn't exactly belong to the gentry it was better than that: he was an Irish clerque who had become a scrivener, and then risen to a professorship.

He was handcuffed and walked wearily, with downcast eyes It was George Clerque! It was September 25th that we left the prison-camp and came to Rossbach eighteen miles south on the railway.

All these by one commune name, thei called Clerj, of the Greke woorde Cleros, that is to saie, a Lotte. For that thei ware firste from among the people, so alloted vnto God. Thereof cometh our terme Clerque, and his cosine Clergie.