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"They'll bury each other, as I told him, and they'll drug each other with mullein tea, as I told him the other day," Gray said, acrimoniously. "Yes, and they'll be eatin' each other before spring! I'd like to know what they're goin' to live on, the few that's left in this town a little cow-punchin', a little clerkin' in the courthouse and gittin' jury and witness fees.

"I know Lady Mount-Rhyswicke as well as I know you. I started her father in business when he was clerkin' behind a counter in Liverpool. I give him the money to begin on. 'Make good, says I, 'that's all. Make good! And he done it, too. Educated his daughter fit fer a princess, married her to Mount-Rhyswicke, and when he died left her ten million dollars if he left her a cent!

"It was this a way," he began. "There was a man here who was clerkin' in one of the stores; and one day a feller drove up and said 'hallow' and this clerk came out of the store and says, 'What is it? The traveler says, 'Here's a barl I have no use for and don't want to carry on my wagon any furder, and I'll sell it to you. And the clerk says, 'I ain't got no use for the barl. 'Well, says the traveler, 'you can have it for fifty cents, and it will accommodate me; and besides I don't want to just throw it away. So the clerk says all right, and gave him fifty cents and took the barl in the store and put it in the corner.

"First, he takes a bite off a yaller banana and then off a red banana, and then a mouthful of peanuts; and then maybe some mixed candies not sayin' a word to nobody, but jest natchelly eatin' his fool head off. A young chap that's clerkin' in Bagby's grocery, next door, steps up to him and speaks to him, meanin', I suppose, to ast him is it true he's wealthy.

And he just loved straights open in the middle; said anybody could fill them that's open at both ends; but, after all, I guess that's the only way to have fun at the game. If a man ain't got the sperrit to overplay aces-up when he gets 'em, he might as well be clerkin' in a bank for all the fun he'll have out of the game."

"No, he ain't," spoke up Susan with a vehemence as disconcerting as it was sudden. "He ain't paintin' nothin', an' he ain't drawin' nothin' neither only molasses an' vinegar an' kerosene. He's clerkin' down to McGuire's grocery store, if you want to know. That's where he is." "Why SUSAN!" "Yes, I know. You don't have to say nothin', Miss Dorothy. Besides, I wouldn't let you say it if you did.

"Yes, I went and married a dirty little rat name's Gilfoyle he thinks my real name's Anita Adair. I got it out of a movie, first day I ran off from you folks. I had an awful time, momma like to starved would have, only for clerkin' in a candy-store. Then I got work posln' for commercial photographers. Did you see the Breathasweeta Chewin' Gum Girl? No? That was me.

Silas said when he let him go that John's business was clerkin' in a book store and not a grocery store. Well, well! John's just the same, I guess. He'd ought to had some one with common sense to keep him goin'." "Is there anything else you would like to know?" "No " said Drusilla hesitatingly. "I guess that's all I need to know." She was quiet for a few moments. Then: "Does he seem strong?"

I live at the Palace Hotel, and I know. However, 'tis not of that I intended to speak, Mrs. Gilman. I'm distressed to see you working so hard this warm weather. You need a rest a vacation, I'm thinkin'." "You're mighty neighborly, Captain, to say so, but I don't see any way of taking it." "Furthermore, your daughter is too fine to be clerkin' here day by day. She should be in a home of her own."

'I shore fixes him so he can't get a job clerkin' in a store, an' grabbin' the Red Dog man's ha'r, which is long as the mane of a pony, he slashes it off close in one motion. "'Thar's a fringe for your leggin's, Nell, remarks Cherokee, a- turnin' of the crop over to Faro Nell.