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Clephane has told me," Harleston replied. The Fifth Assistant Secretary picked up a ruler and sighted carefully along the edge. "I seem to be in wrong, old man," he said. "Please forget that I ever said it or anything you understand." "My dear fellow, don't be an ass!" Harleston laughed. "I'm not sensitive about the lady; I never saw her until last night."

"What do you know about Mrs. Clephane?" he asked. "That she's even lovelier and more attractive than Mrs. Spencer." "You've seen her you know her?" "You told me," replied Carpenter. "I told you! I never referred to Mrs. Clephane's appearance." "Exactly: your careful reticence told me more than if you had used tons of words.

For Shields' Clephane and Mansfield made their usual first-wicket stand, and the rest brought the total up to ninety-eight. At this point Henfrey introduced a variation on custom. The match was a three days' match. In fact, owing to the speed with which the other games had been played, it could, if necessary, last four days.

February 11. Court sat till half-past one. I had but a trifle to do, so wrote letters to Mrs. Maclean Clephane and nephew Walter. Sent the last, £40 in addition to £240 sent on the 6th, making his full equipment £280. A man, calling himself Charles Gray of Carse, wrote to me, expressing sympathy for my misfortunes, and offering me half the profits of what, if I understand him right, is a patent medicine, to which I suppose he expects me to stand trumpeter. He endeavours to get over my objections to accepting his liberality (supposing me to entertain them) by assuring me his conduct is founded on a sage selfishness. This is diverting enough. I suppose the Commissioners of, Police will next send me a letter of condolence, begging my acceptance of a broom, a shovel, and a scavenger's greatcoat, and assuring me that they had appointed me to all the emoluments of a well-frequented crossing. It would be doing more than they have done of late for the cleanliness of the streets, which, witness my shoes, are in a piteous pickle. I thanked the selfish sage with due decorum for what purpose can anger serve? I remember once before, a mad woman, from about Alnwick, baited me with letters and plans first for charity to herself or some protégé. I gave my guinea. Then she wanted to have half the profit of a novel which I was to publish under my name and auspices. She sent me the manuscript, and a moving tale it was, for some of the scenes lay in the cabinet

"Ou donc est l'ecrin de Madame la Marquise? La fenetre est ouverte. Il a disparu!" "Window open and jewel-case gone, by Jove!" exclaimed Lord Amersteth. "Mais comment est Madame la Marquise? Est elle bien?" "Oui, milor. Elle dort." "Sleeps through it all," said my lord. "She's the only one, then!" "What made Mackenzie Clephane bolt?" young Crowley asked me. "Said there were more of them below."

Their defeat by an innings and fifty-three runs they attributed subsequently to the fact that only seven of the team could be induced to go to the wickets in the second venture. "So you've managed to win a match," grunted Henfrey, "I should like to have been there." "You might just as well have been," said Clephane, "from what they tell me."

Spencer and her friend have reached some sort of an understanding," Mrs. Clephane remarked. "She just smiled at him significantly and pressed his foot." "I noticed the smile but not the foot business," Harleston chuckled. "It's something quite personal to them, I take it!" "Exactly; but what's the effect on the matter in hand?

"Precisely and her conduct as to him may be quite justifiable; yet nevertheless it weakens her credibility; puts her story as to the letter under suspicion. And there is one thing more: Clephane, you know, was killed in an aeroplane smash. Did Mrs. Clephane tell you anything as to it?" "Merely referred to it."

Clephane went directly in and to a table next to Carpenter's. Three tables away were Madeline Spencer and Snodgrass. Harleston nodded to Mrs. Spencer and to Snodgrass, then spoke to Carpenter and invited him over. "I don't know if you will remember me, Mrs. Clephane," said Carpenter, coming across. "I met you several years ago in Paris." "Yes, indeed, Mr. Carpenter, I remember you!" Mrs.

There are some thugs among the lesser Powers, just as there are thugs among the 'oi polloi." "Then Mrs. Spencer is an accomplished diplomat," Mrs. Clephane remarked. "She is at the top of the profession, and as a directing force she is without a superior." "You are very generous, Mr. Harleston!" "I believe in giving the devil his dues.