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But besides these, and what was a thousand times more useful to me, he brought me six new clean shirts, six very good neckcloths, two pair of gloves, one pair of shoes, a hat, and one pair of stockings, with a very good suit of clothes of his own, which had been worn but very little: in a word, he clothed me from head to foot.

This abandonment is foreshadowed in a recent election in a small Western city, where the female voters made a clean sweep, elected an entire city council of women and most of the other officers, including the police judge and the mayor. The latter lady, by one of those intrusions of nature which reform is not yet able to control, became a mother and a mayor the same week.

"If that's the best they can do, they ought to be ashamed of themselves." "If you want cakes you should get them in the morning. I've kept the change to pay the milkman." With a flourish of the cosy Zebedee turned to Helen as the door was shut. "Isn't she dreadful?" "She wants a new pair of boots." "And a new face." "I know she doesn't clean the house properly.

To be betrayed by one's wife is hard; but to send an innocent man to the galleys" "Still you see" "Ah, if I could have foreseen! My intentions were good; and I assure you, although I did not come at once to denounce the whole thing, I was firmly resolved to make a clean breast of it if M. Jacques should get into trouble.

He comes home to dinner, but he is apt to be silent; and after dinner he takes his nap in the parlor over his newspaper, while I go up and let Adele dress my hair for the evening. Sometimes Mr. P. groans into a clean shirt and goes with me to the ball; but not often.

He stopped work as I came down, and called off his dog, looking at me curiously enough, for, indeed, strangers were a rarity in that spot, clean off the tourist track, and away from any thoroughfare. One's presence had to be explained out of hand, and I told him exactly why I had come. He looked surprised and perhaps a little pleased, that his learning should draw students.

"...Christian perfection is nothing but the depth of evangelical repentance, the full assurance of faith, and the pure love of God and man shed abroad in a faithful believer's heart, by the Holy Ghost given unto him, to cleanse him, and to keep him clean, 'from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit'; and to enable him to fulfil the law of Christ' according to the talents he is entrusted with, and the circumstances in which he is placed in this world.... This is evident from the descriptions of Christian perfection which we find in the New Testament."

It occurred to him that his safest course might be to throw himself upon her generosity and make a clean breast of it; but when it came to the point he was too weak to thus expose his shameful conduct to the woman whose heart he had won, and to whom he was bound by every tie of honour that a gentleman holds sacred.

A mighty circle and a clean retreat, a master piece and any fist you please, all this and collusion, was there ever a sign. There was it showed that the back like the front has a middle. It does not deceive plaster, it does not arouse a rose.

One might expect that citizens who kept their town so clean and neat and were engaged in the unusual act of constructing new irrigation works would have a comfortable road in the direction toward which they usually would wish to go, namely, toward the coast.