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Claxton was, therefore as just said, a particular friend, and in a certain sense a confidante. "The old trouble," replied Mrs. Ellis to the closing question of her friend. "With your husband?" "Yes. He pinches me in money matters so closely, and grumbles so eternally at what he calls my extravagance, that I'm out of all patience.

You take the five-thirty down to-morrow evening, with the necessary instruments, and I'll be at the station to meet you. Good night." As Boyle had promised, Jack had no difficulty in arranging to be off duty the following night, and early that evening he alighted from the train at Claxton, to find the railroad detective awaiting him.

'We have a good many who speak well, but we look upon Ernestine Blunt as our genius. 'Yes, she seems rather a wonderful little person, but I wrote to you because partly because you are older. And you gave me the impression of being extremely level-headed. 'Ernestine Blunt is level-headed too, said Miss Claxton, warily.

"Didn't you say yourself Gerber, out here in Claxton that magistrate that marries you in verse " "By gad, I did!" "Well I I dare you to ask me again, Charley." He leaned forward. "You game, girl?" "Sure." "No kidding?" "Try me." "I'm serious, girl." "So'm I." "There's Jess over there can get us a special license from his brother-in-law. Married in verse in Claxton sounds good to me, honey."

The floating of the tubes on pontoons, from the places where they had been constructed, to the recesses in the masonry of the towers, up which they were to be hoisted to the positions they were permanently to occupy, was an anxious and exciting operation. The first part of this process was performed at Conway, where Mr. Stephenson directed it in person, assisted by Captain Claxton, Mr.

"Not so bad I think, myself. Well, in the country between Claxton and Eastfield, where it is my theory the gang has its headquarters, there are no telephone or telegraph lines, and it struck me it would be a good plan to take someone along with me who in case of things going wrong could make his way back to the railroad, and cut in on the wire and call for help.

"Dear Sir: The young night operator at Midway Junction has joined the freight-stealing gang that Corry belonged to, and if you will look under the mattress in his room at the railroad boarding-house you will find a watch and chain of the lot we stole at Claxton two weeks ago. I gave it to him last Friday night.

"My father scratched himself," said Ezra promptly. "His hat has blown away too, and we lost our way in the dark, so we're rather in a mess." "Why, so you be!" Sampson cried, eyeing them up and down. "I thought, when I heard you, as it was they folk from Claxton as comes 'ere for bait whenever they be short. That's nigh about the only visitors we ever gets here; bean't it, Jarge?"

"Thank you, friends," he said; "I will stay another day with you, and we will talk the matter over again. If a fair number are determined to move, we will go together; if not, I shall soon find others who know their interests better than you seem to do." Saying this, he dismounted, and went to spend the evening with Mr Claxton, who was one of his chief adherents.

The cottages which faced this place on the side toward town were confined to "lots" along an unpaved street. Across on Claxton Road town lots grew to the size of country estates and looked more commanding. But the shack house, with its twenty acres of elbow room, rather commanded them all, especially as its central position marked the common as its own grounds.