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I must not take up too much space in describing the various events of my life on the island. I spent most of the clay on the beach, sometimes clambering up to the top of a high rock, whence I could gain an extensive view of the sea, in the hope of seeing some vessel passing, and being able to attract her attention.

It was broken by a scream of terror from forward. The quartermaster who had been at the wheel came clambering down the ladder and ran along the deck, his fingers splayed and stiffened before him in the intensity of his panic. "The needle! The compass!" he shrieked. Barnett ran to the wheel house with Trendon at his heels. The others followed. The needle was swaying like a cobra's head.

A workman pointed vaguely upward, and Barry hurried on toward the lake, clambering up the hill nearest the clearing, that he might take the higher and shorter road. He found no Ba'tiste but there was something else which held Houston's interest for a moment and which stopped him, staring wonderingly into the distance.

Muloa, lying astern, we were no longer watching. Leavitt, at the water's edge, had waved us a last good-by and had then abruptly turned back into the forest, very likely to go clambering like a demented goat up the flanks of his beloved volcano and to resume poking about in its steaming fissures an occupation of which he never tired.

The towers, on whose exterior surface he was frequently seen clambering, like a lizard gliding along a perpendicular wall, those two gigantic twins, so lofty, so menacing, so formidable, possessed for him neither vertigo, nor terror, nor shocks of amazement. To see them so gentle under his hand, so easy to scale, one would have said that he had tamed them.

It seemed to me as I ran that the side of the lugger was all red with clambering, shouting soldiers, all of them firing pistols at me. Marah picked himself up as I got there. "Out of the way, boy," he cried. Two or three smugglers rallied round him. There were more shots, more cries.

Clambering to the crevice in the cliff against which the cave abutted, and sliding down into a hollow on its earthen roof, he cautiously removed a small stone from its position, and disclosed a hole through which he could both hear and see most of what took place inside.

Fulton stood on the bank to mark the line, while the boys pushed the boat out to where Phil had come up, some twenty feet from shore. Jerry slipped over the side, one end of the rope in his hand. He did not remain long below. Clambering in at the stern, he shouted: "Hoist away she's hooked!" And there was the motor, clogged with mud, to be sure, but undamaged. Mr.

Really, it was just as if everything had been arranged for me. This was not such a bad sort of house after all. The beginnings of the thing were gay borders scrolls and strap-work and diapered backgrounds, a maze of colour, with small misshapen figures clambering cheerily up and down everywhere.

But Trevennack stumbled on, o'er bog or steep, through strait, rough, dense, or rare, as chance might lead him, clambering ever toward his goal, now seen, now invisible the great stack of wild rock that crowned the gray undulating moor to northward.