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For this reason I am glad that we shall have the benefit of Judge Claiborne's advice." "Judge Claiborne is the counsel of our embassy," said the Ambassador. His gaze was fixed intently on Armitage's face, and he hitched himself forward in his chair impatiently, grasping his crop nervously across his knees.

Claiborne's cheap eloquence is perhaps suited to the unfastidious taste of a lower latitude; but we prefer those stories, too few in number, in which the homely words of Dale are preserved. Dale does not appear to have done anything to warrant this "attempt on his life," being no more remarkable than hundreds of others.

And from the name to the girl may you be forever denied a glimpse of Shirley Claiborne's pretty head, her brown hair and dream-haunted eyes, if you do not first murmur the name with honest liking. As the Claibornes lingered at their table a short stout man espied them from the door and advanced beamingly. "Ah, my dear Shirley, and Dick! Can it be possible!

"This is good fortune, indeed," said Armitage a moment later when they had shaken hands. "I finished my errand at Geneva unexpectedly and here I am." He smiled at the feebleness of his explanation, and joined in their passing comment on the life of the harbor. He was not so dull but that he felt Dick Claiborne's resentment of his presence on board.

You announced at Captain Claiborne's table at the Army and Navy Club in Washington that I was an impostor, and all the time, Monsieur, you have really believed me to be some one some one in particular." Armitage's eyes glittered and his voice faltered with intensity as he uttered these last words. Then he thrust his hand into his coat pocket, stepped back, and concluded: "Who am I, Monsieur?"

By acting on the King's instructions and supporting Baltimore's authority in the area against Claiborne's claims, Harvey turned the second most important man in the colony against him. Harvey at first backed the Virginia Council's assertion that Kent Island was a part of Virginia, and not part of the supposedly uncultivated wilderness granted to Baltimore by the King.

He knew perfectly well that his acquaintance with the Claibornes was too slight to be severely strained, particularly where a fellow of Dick Claiborne's high spirit was concerned. He talked with them a few minutes longer, then took himself off; and they saw little of him the rest of the day.

Leonard Calvert had a trading-boat of Claiborne's seized in the Patuxent River. Thereupon Claiborne's men, with the shallop Cockatrice, in retaliation attacked Maryland pinnaces and lost both their lives and their boat. For several years Maryland and Kent Island continued intermittently to make petty war on each other.

Get it and ride it to Judge Claiborne's stables; and ask and answer no questions." A moment later he was riding toward the gate, the led-horse following. He flung himself down, adjusting the stirrups and gave her a hand into the saddle. They turned silently into the mountain road. "The bridge would have been simpler and quicker," said Shirley; "as it is, I shall be late to the ball."

Ample first-hand evidence of South Carolina's determination to secede in 1850 may be found in the Correspondence of Calhoun, in Claiborne's Quitman, in the acts of the assembly, in the newspapers, in the legislature's vote "to resist at any and all hazards", and in the choice of resistance-men to the Nashville Convention and the state convention.