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"No; only last month I asked him for a raise, and he told me if I wasn't satisfied I might go elsewhere." "You didn't?" "No, but I mean to soon. I will show old Pitkin that he can't keep a man of my experience for such a paltry salary. I dare say that Denning or Claflin would be glad to have me, and pay me what I am worth." Phil did not want to laugh, but when Mr.

And the capriciousness increased as Saturday drew near. Also, the sinking sensations to which he had become a prey attacked him more often. He drove Amy to despair by predicting all sorts of direful things. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to do anything with Terrill, the Claflin right end. He was morally certain that he was going to disgrace himself and the school.

Holyokes. And in 1870, on March 17, the charter of Wellesley Female Seminary was signed by Governor William Claflin. On April 16, 1870, the first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held, at Mr. Durant's Marlborough Street house in Boston, and the Reverend Edward N. Kirk, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Church in Boston, was elected president of the board. Mr.

Claflin has beaten us three years running now and this year we're out for revenge with a rolling R. Considering that we've played only three seasons, we've got a pretty good start. Our coach is a dandy, a chap named Robey; played with Brown the year they downed Pennsy; and he's been building up this year's team ever since he started in.

But in the next moment Clint forgot all about his heart, forgot he even had one, for Kendall was plunging forward through the fast-gathering Claflin warriors and his work was cut out for him. Back to the fifteen-yard line went the pigskin before the referee called it down, and Brimfield's supporters cheered.

A Claflin man dived at him and strove to pinion his knees, but with a wrench Clint tore one leg free and staggered on another stride. Arms clutched him about the shoulders and it seemed that he was pulling a ton of weight with him. Then there was a shock, his legs went from under him and he toppled to earth.

The discouragement of the Chambers game was quite forgotten. Andy Miller, in a short speech, soberly predicted a victory over Claflin, and the audience yelled until the roof seemed to shake.

What do you play?" "Pretty well, sir. I play tackle. I've had a bum knee for a week or so, though." "How's the 'varsity shaping?" "Very well, I'd say. We expect to lick Claflin again, sir." "Do, eh? That's good. Football at Brimfield didn't amount to a great deal when I was here, but the old school's turned out some good elevens since then. Well, I'm glad to have met you chaps.

Claflin had been educating the youth of New York and surrounding states for almost a hundred years, and nowadays fathers applied for admission for their boys about as soon as the boys were born. The school was in that respect like a club with a long waiting list.

Roberts, l. e. r. e., Chester Lacey, l. t. r. t., Mears Fowler, l. g. r. g., Colwell Innes, c. c., Kenney Hall, r. g. l. g., Johnson Williams, r. t. l. t., Bentley Miller, r. e. l. e., Mumford Milton, q. b. q. b., Ainsmith Harris, l. h. b. r. h. b., Burrage Kendall, r. h. b. l. h. b., Whittemore Norton, f. b. f. b., Atkinson "Are you ready, Brimfield? Ready, Claflin?"