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The magistrates of Edinburgh, in order to defeat all attempts at a rescue, lodged the executioner the day previous in the Tolbooth, to prevent his being carried off; the sentinels were doubled outside the prison; the officers of the trained bands were ordered to attend the execution, likewise the city constables with their batons; the whole city-guard, having ammunition distributed to them, were marched to the place of execution with screwed bayonets, and, to make all sure, at desire of the lord provost, a battalion of the Welch Fusiliers, commanded by commissioned officers, marched up the streets of the city, and took up a position on each side of the Lawnmarket; whilst another body of that corps was placed under arms at the Canongate guard.

John Porteous having been for some time in the army, and being known to be possessed of no small courage and daring, was selected by John Campbell, lord provost of Edinburgh, in the memorable year 1715, to be drill-sergeant of the city-guard, as it became necessary to have the guard well disciplined and made as effective as possible in that eventful period, for the support of the government and the protection of Edinburgh.

Maria knew that her husband had appointed that day for a great assembly of the council, the magistrates, and all the principal men in the city, as well as the captains of the city-guard but not a word of all this had reached her ears from Peter. She had heard the news from Frail Van Hout and the wives of other citizens. During the last few days a great change had taken place in her husband.

He was to command not only the city-guard, but all the armed force. He had accepted the appointment with cheerful alacrity, and requested Maria to inform her husband. "Accept my congratulations," said the burgomaster's wife. "But what will now become of your motto: 'Ante omnia Musae?" "I shall change the words a little and say: 'Omnia ante Musas."

From a grateful sense of her services, as well as from a conviction of Porteous's ability for the office, the lord provost proposed that John Porteous should be elected one of the captains of the city-guard, and it was agreed to. This was a situation of trust and respectability, and would have enabled the young couple to live in comfort and ease if the husband had conducted himself properly.

He was to command not only the city-guard, but all the armed force. He had accepted the appointment with cheerful alacrity, and requested Maria to inform her husband. "Accept my congratulations," said the burgomaster's wife. "But what will now become of your motto: 'Ante omnia Musae?" "I shall change the words a little and say: 'Omnia ante Musas."

If you want to act wisely, follow the advice of Horace." "The Bible also teaches that 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," added the pastor, and Captain Allertssohn exclaimed: "On my life, yes! My soldiers, the city-guard and volunteers must have their parade.

The city-guard were entering at the street door, and the host hurried Fulford and his men, swearing and raging, out at a back door provided for such emergencies. Stephen was beginning to recover by this time. His uncle knelt down, took his head on his shoulder, and Lucas washed off the blood and administered a drop of wine. His first words were: "Was it Giles? Where is she?"

"Calm yourself; child," replied Peter. "The doctor has ordered a covered litter from St. Catharine's hospital, Jan and one of the city-guard will carry her, and Barbara has nothing more to do in the kitchen and is now preparing her own chamber for her." "And," chimed in the physician, "perhaps the sick girl may find sleep here.

Wat Ball struck at Sir John's arm with his wooden sword, and as the alderman shouted for the watch and city-guard, the lads on their side raised their cry, "Prentices and Clubs! Flat-caps and Clubs!" Master Headley, struggling along, met his colleague, with his gown torn into shreds from his back, among a host of wildly yelling lads, and panting, "Help, help, brother Headley!"