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Euboea, neighbouring Attica, possessed two chief cities, Eretria and Chalcis, governed apparently by timocracies, and frequently at war with each other.

"You saw her?" he whispered. Saw her! yes, I had seen her! And my poor dream-world was toppling about me, its cities, ashes and its fairness, dust.

"Now it is clear," said Ali, "that the chief devil that vexes England and has done all this harm, who herds men into cities and will not let them rest, is even the devil Steam." Then the great ones would have rebuked him but one said: "No, let us hear him, perhaps his patent may improve on steam."

By the treaty with Persia, Athens regained three of the islands she had been obliged to relinquish to Sparta under Lysander; but the Greek cities in Asia were given up to Persia, and both Athens and Sparta lost their former allies.

They are the Treasure Hunters of cities and of civilization the modern seekers for the Philosopher's Stone. At the end of a vista of dreams they behold the great Discovery made perfect, and themselves the winners of fame and of wealth incalculable. For the present, most of these visionaries are occupied with electricity.

Riots and arson, were among the mildest methods proposed to be used in the Northern cities, to make the War for the Union a "failure" as their Northern Democratic allies termed it while, among other more devilish projects, was that of introducing cholera and yellow fever into the North, by importing infected rags!

From the quiet country park, full of large villas and pretty gardens, you emerge into a filthy city, full of a seething, dirty population, and where smells and sights of the most disgusting description meet you at every turn. People who have seen many Chinese cities say that Canton is the cleanest of them all. What the dirtiest must be like is therefore beyond my imagination.

Scarcely had the echo of the Prince's footsteps ceased to resound through the country as he tramped from one city to another, moulding each to his will, when the States of Holland, now thoroughly reorganized, passed a solemn vote of thanks to him for all that he had done. The six cities of the minority had now become the majority, and there was unanimity at the Hague.

"Never studied geography, nor history, nor arithmetic!" cries Soeur Ursule, who superintended the school; "not know the principal cities in Europe, nor the kings of France, nor even your multiplication table!"

A row of tall pillers, ten milds in length, line the roads to some of them cities, and I sez: "Oh, good land! How I wish I could be a mouse in the wall and see who and what passed over them roads, and why, and when, and where." And Josiah sez, "Why don't you say you wish you wuz a elephant and could look on? your simely would seem sounder."