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Livy expressly says, "Ita abundavit Tiberis, ut Ludi Apollinares, circo inundato, extra portam Collinam ad aedem Erycinae Veneris parati sint," "There was such an inundation of the Tiber that, the Circus being overflowed, the Ludi Appollinares were exhibited without the gate Collina, hard by the temple of Venus Erycina."

"Cum in Circo Flaminio non a tribuno plebis consul in concionem sed a latrone archipirata productus esset, primum processit qua auctoritate vir. Vini, somni, stupri plenus, madenti coma, gravibus oculis, fluentibus buccis, pressa voce et temulenta, quod in cives indemnatos esset animadversum, id sibi dixit gravis auctor vehementissime displicere." Post Reditum in Senatu, 6.

The low-class people and Chinese thronged the nipa shack of the theatre night after night from nine P.M. till two A.M. When a Filipino goes to the theatre, he expects to get his money's worth. I myself did not attend the circo, but judging from what I saw the children attempt to repeat, and one other incident, I fancy it was quite educative.

In front of the Colosseum, his first exclamation was: "What a lot of stone!" Then recalling his role of orator, he exclaimed: "The spirits are certainly daunted and the mind darkened on thinking how men could have sunk to such abysses of evil." "Don Calixto is referring to those holes," thought Caesar, looking at the cellars of the Circo Romano.

The other places of amusement in Havana, of a dramatic character, are the Payret Theatre, very large, seating twenty-five hundred; the Albisu Theatre, and the Circo, Teatro de Jané, this latter combining a theatre with a circus. As a place of amusement and instruction combined we should be remiss not to mention the Casino of Havana.

Drive to the Balsa Meaning of the word A Mob of Women Nora Creena Magic, slipper Description of the drive Ferryman of the Females Decline the office The Suburbs A la Balsa Manilla, intra murales The Mole by Moonlight Friend in a fit Circo Olympico Scenes in the Circle. Up betimes upon the morning of our second day on shore, for a drive to the Balsa.

The people will stand for hours about a performance of this sort, and for weeks afterwards the children will repeat it in their play. Once a circo, or group of acrobats, came to Capiz and played for over a month to crowded houses.

The other incident has to do with my henchman, Basilio, previously mentioned, who later arrived at the dignity of public school janitor. Basilio had been a regular patron of the circo, so much so that he came into my debt. One of the first things we had set ourselves to do was the clearing up of all school grounds and premises by pupil labor.

Had a sentimental friend with me, upon whom it operated powerfully. He remarked, "What a treat it would be to have by your side, in such a scene, one whom you loved, and who could love you!" Finding the fit strong upon him, made the cochero drive off the Prado directly, and take us to the "Circo Olympico" its opening night. Paid six reals each for admission and had our money's worth.

The professional astrologers, as Pliny says, were Chaldeans, Egyptians and Greeks. The Etruscans, too, the professional diviners of Rome, cultivated the science. Many of these "Isiaci conjectores" and "astrologi de circo" were worthless charlatans, but on the whole the science seems to have attracted the attention of thoughtful men of the period.