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Then there was the entry between, run straight through the house: one side was old Quassia's room, and the other was a sort o' storeroom, where the old cap'n kep' all sorts o' traps. "Wal, Cinthy she kep' a hevin' things happen and a seein' things, till she didn't railly know what was in it.

'Lord knows, if he had a been, says I, 'there'd be more need on't! 'Anyway, says I, 'he can't hear nothin', it won't do him no harm. So I thought I'd come out and see. It'll make Cinthy feel easier." There was a whispered consultation among the women, but Emily came over to where I sat. "Come, teacher," said she.

"If that is a funeral, the mourners are uncommon jolly," said Eph, drily, as merry voices and loud laughter broke the white silence without. "I see Aunt Cinthy, and Cousin Hetty and there's Mose and Amos. I do declare, Pa's bringin' 'em all home to have some fun here," cried Prue, as she recognized one familiar face after another. "Oh, my patience!

"And ef I know her, which I think I do, she'll find that Cinthy Wilkins ain't fur from right, ef her experience is good for any thing," added the matron with a sigh, and a glance at a dingy photograph of her Lisha on the wall, a sigh that seemed to say there had been a good deal of "wuss" in her bargain, though she was too loyal to confess it. Something in Christie's face struck Mr.

That 'ere woman wa'n't flesh and blood now, no way, not such flesh and blood as we knows on; but then they say Cinthy might hev dreamed it! "Wal, now, look at it t'other way.

Her father, looking at Duffield with murder in his eye, said: "What's the matter, Cinthy?" "The cat scratched my foot." The old man looked under the table for confirmation; and there sat the old, black cat, looking as innocent as a Madonna. And the family resumed the meal. That afternoon, as they were running one of the lines, Cornwall said to Duffield: "That cat saved your life." "Heck!

"But one night, 'bout the middle o' the week, this 'ere thing kind o' come to a crisis. "Cinthy said she'd ben up putty late a sewin' and a finishin' off down in the parlor; and the cap'n he sot up with her, and was consid'able cheerful and entertainin', tellin' her all about things over in the Bermudys, and off to Chiny and Japan, and round the world ginerally.

"So, to keep the house quiet for her, and give you a taste of the fun, your Pa fetched us all up to spend the evenin', and we are goin' to have a jolly time on't, to jedge by the looks of things," said Aunt Cinthy, briskly finishing the tale when Mrs. Bassett paused for want of breath. "What in the world put it into your head we was comin', and set you to gettin' up such a supper?" asked Mr.

"Wal, now, Cinthy says Aunt Sally might 'a' dreamed it, that she got her head so full o' stories about the Cap'n Brown house, and watched it till she got asleep, and hed this 'ere dream; and, as there didn't nobody else see it, it might 'a' ben, you know.

'Who then, 'Lihu? says I. 'Jesus, says he, with that queer, smilin' look, as though it was the naturalest thing on earth. 'He'll wake me up when , and he couldn't wait no longer, his head fell over as heavy as a log, and that's the way he's been ever since, sleepin' like death. "Wall, Cinthy thinks somebody'd ought to come in and make a prayer. 'He wasn't a perfessor, says she.