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And Lairgnen sent messengers after her to bring her back, and they did not overtake her till she was at Cill Dun. She went back home with them then, and Lairgnen sent messengers to ask the birds of Mochaomhog, and he did not get them. There was great anger on Lairgnen then, and he went himself to the place Mochaomhog was, and he asked was it true he had refused him the birds.

At that moment a shot struck the cill of the port nearest to the spot where Owen was seated, killing one man and wounding another, then flying across the deck close to Mr Ashurst, it committed further havoc on the other side, laying low another of the crew. The midshipman gave a spring and fell over near Owen, who was at that moment supplying his gun with powder.

Congus summoned to his aid the chief of the Ui-Neill, Aed Allan by name, in these verses: "Say to the cold Aed Allan that I have been oppressed by a feeble enemy: Aed Roin insulted me last night at Cill Cunna of the sweet music." Aed Allan made these verses on his way to battle to avenge the insult: "For Cill Cunna the church of my spiritual father, I take this day a journey on the road.

The old oak sliding shutters are still there, and two more fine stone mantelpieces; on one hearth the original encaustic tiles with patterns, chiefly a Maltese cross, and the oak cill surrounding them, are in situ. I confess I tremble for the safety of this priceless relic. The house is in a somewhat dilapidated condition; and I know that one attempt was made to buy the panelling and take it away.

A cill or cell we call it in the language; and the saying goes among the people of the neighbourhood that on the eve of Saint Patrick bells ring in this glade in the forest, sweet, soft, dreamy bells, muffled in a mist of years bells whose sounds have come, as one might fancy, at their stated interval, after pealing in a wave about God's universe from star to star, back to the place of their first chiming.

The lintel itself is double, and treated as if it were wood. The cill was two feet below the ground level.