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"Pourtant console-toi! pense, dans tes alarmes, Qu'un double bien te reste, espoir et souvenir; Une main dans le ciel pour essuyer tes larmes; Une main ici-bas, enfant, pour te benir." The last stanza is especially poor, and in none of them is there much poetical promise.

She cordially welcomed the three young girls, making emphatic assertions at her delight in seeing them, but her warmest welcome was bestowed upon Patty. "But it is herself!" she cried; "of a certainty, it is ma petite Patty. Ciel! but it is that I am glad to see you!" Patty returned the greetings with polite warmth, and indeed she was really fond of the quaint old lady.

And at last unable to content himself in the old routine of things he quitted home and England, even before he was of age, and roved from place to place, trying, and trying in vain, to soothe the vague restlessness that called for a very different remedy. "On change de ciel, l'on ne change point du sol."

Louvier stared hard and long; his lip fell, his cheek paled, and at last he faltered out, "Ciel! is it possible! Victor, the Vicomte de Mauleon?" "At your service, my dear Louvier." There was a pause; the financier was evidently confused and embarrassed, and not less evidently the visit of the "dear old friend" was unwelcome.

Therefore, let the engineer be taken back to the very spot where his victim was standing, and do you go up to the top of the parapet and jump down upon him! "Tonnerre de ciel! what a roar of laughter there was! The very Arabs couldn't help joining in. As to the young villain himself, he stood stock-still for a moment, and then flew out of the court like a madman; and that was the last of him.

"Monsieur Frédéric, the curtain is up!" the prompter would rush in to say. "Ciel! What can I do?" the imperturbable actor would reply. "I can't leave here, my dear fellow: I must win back what I've lost." Poor Harel had to pay again. As the receipts of the theatre were large, he did not dare complain much of these forced presents of money: Lemaitre called them his perquisites.

He certainly was brown, but his features were fine and good, and he had a distinguished and benevolent air that somehow made her think of an abbé, a French abbé of the last century. She could quite imagine him saying "Enfant de St. Louis; montez au ciel!" Thus far had she got in her meditations, when she felt herself addressed in clear, half-mocking tones

Kincaid eliminated, and the whole question free of him, this inheritance question so small and mean to all but her and Irby, but to him and her so large, so paramount! Silently, but plainly to the girl, her mouth widely motioned, "Il est mort! grâce" one hand stopped stroking long enough to make merrily the sign of cross "grâce au ciel, il est mort!"

Satire, scandal, and gossip, now hand-in-hand the three new graces: all on the same elevated rank three, formerly considered as so different, and the last left to our inferior sex, but now, surely, to be a male gossip is no reproach." "O, Lady Davenant! male gossip what an expression!" "What a reality!" "Male gossip! 'Tombe sur moi le ciel!" cried Churchill.

"Talma ne faisoit pas un geste, quelquefois seulement il remuoit la tête pour questioner la terre et le ciel sur ce que c'est que la mort! Immobile, la dignité de la meditation absorboit tout son etre." De l'Allemagne, 1. c.