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Her little hand crept to her breast and clutched a rosary within the folds of her dress, as her soft voice again arose, low but appealingly: "Vous souffrez! Ah, mon Dieu! Peuton vous secourir? Moi-meme mes prieres pourraient elles interceder pour vous? Je supplierai le ciel de prendre en pitie l'ame de mon ancetre. Monsieur le Cure est la, je lui parlerai. Lui et ma mere vous viendront en aide."

With lank-sided coursers, Lineal descendants from Rosinante, With ploughmen in the dress of postilions, Blockheads of impertinent nature; Our carriages sticking fast a hundred times in the road, We went along with gravity at a leisurely pace, Knocking against the crags. Mais le ciel, qui de tout dispose, Regla differemment la chose.

'A perfect negro, madam; and what so fitly being beauty's slave? said Otto. 'Madame Grafinski, when is our next play? I have just heard that I am a bad actor. 'O CIEL! cried Madame Grafinski. 'Who could venture? What a bear! 'An excellent man, I can assure you, returned Otto. 'O, never! O, is it possible! fluted the lady. 'Your Highness plays like an angel.

"Ferme tes yeux a demi, Croise tes bras sur ton sein, Et de ton coeur endormi Chasse a jamais tout dessein." "Je chante la nature, Les etoiles du soir, les larmes du matin, Les couchers de soleil a l'horizon lointain, Le ciel qui parle au coeur d'existence future!" The animal paused on the threshold, interrogative alert, ready for flight if necessary.

"Ciel!" exclaimed my Clélie between her small shut teeth. "The woman is a fiend!" She was wholly absorbed in her study of this unworldly and untaught nature. She was full of sympathy for its trials and tenderness, and for its pain. Even the girl's peculiarities of speech were full of interest to her. She made serious and intelligent efforts to understand them, as if she studied a new language.

But in the wonderful Entombment, now in the Louvre, in which he displays "the full splendour of his early maturity," the human element is such an important factor in the presentment of the divine tragedy that even a painter, M. Caro-Delvaille, must postpone his description of the picture to sentences like these: "Sur un ciel tourmenté," he writes, in phrases which it is impossible to render adequately in English, "se profile le groupe tragique.

"It is that serpent" she wiped her eyes on a huge blue-and-yellow pocket handkerchief "who has done it all; and my poor unsuspecting child has flirted with Nicolas, and made the way easy. Ciel! what do I know? It is possible that Marie loves Nicolas, and is willing to throw herself away on a vaurien with a pair of dark eyes; and the news will not grieve her as it has grieved me."

You may return to-morrow. "'Oh, juste ciel! she exclaimed. 'Je suis trés malheureuse. "Snatching her child in her arms, and raising it as high as her strength could lift it, she called upon God to witness that it was only for his sake she had asserted her legal rights; that, having lost the heart of her husband, all she wished was to die.

Grand ciel and quelle horreur punctuated the selections.

Needless to say, the integrity of Marquet's vision has considerably distressed those who have no taste for art; and from one of them, Marquet's friend Charles-Louis Philippe, it drew a bit of art criticism that ought not to be lost. "Le ciel me préserve," exclaims the author of Marie Donadieu, "d'aimer d'un amour total un art dont l'ironie parfois atteint