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From what I have seen of her, it's the best thing that has ever happened to Brother F. She is a splendid girl. I must write to him... Laurette et Cie.. London March 12th. Dear Ginger, I saw in a Sunday paper last week that "The Primrose Way" had been produced in New York, and was a great success. Well, I'm very glad. But I don't think the papers ought to print things like that. It's unsettling.

Jennie picked up the glove which, alas! she had paid for and only worn on one occasion and smoothed it out between her fingers. It was docketed "G; made by Gaunt et Cie, Boulevard Hausmann; purchased in Paris by one alleging herself to be the Princess von Steinheimer." "You have found out all about it," said Jennie, as she finished reading the label.

I'm going away to get cured if I can. Mr. Faucitt is over in England, and when I went down to Mrs. Meecher for my letters, I found one from him. His brother is dead, you know, and he has inherited, of all things, a fashionable dress-making place in Regent Street. His brother was Laurette et Cie.

Nominally as well as practically the youthful Japanese artisan makes his introduction to the world, much after the manner of the hero of Lecocq's comic opera, the son of the house of Marasquin et Cie. If instead of belonging to the lower middle class our typical youth be born of bluer blood, or if he be filled with the same desires as if he were so descended, he becomes a student.

"You know, Miss Lucas," she continued, "we don't want our money, when we know our customers. Christmas is soon enough for us." "Christmas is a long time off," thought the young wife, "nearly ten months. I think I'll have a black silk, Madame Cie; but I must not say anything to the doctor about it just yet, or he might think me extravagant."

It was stipulated that the name of Hamerton should not be used; the title of the firm was to be "Gindriez et Cie.," my husband being sleeping partner only. Effects of the Highland climate. Farewell to Loch Awe. Journey to the South of France. Death of Miss Mary Hamerton. Settlement at Sens. Death of M. Gindriez. Publication of the "Painter's Camp." Removal to Pre-Charmoy.

Covered with flour her face very red she would have been in her element. . . . As it was, the dictates of fashion had cast their blight over the proceedings. The name of her dressmaker is immaterial. Originally Smith & Co. in all probability, it had now become Smythe et Cie, and advertised in all the most exclusive papers.

The Boy spent a hundred francs for a silver chamois poised upon the apex of a perilous peak of uncut amethysts, mounted on ebony, and I was witty at the expense of his purchase, likening it to the white elephant of Instantaneous Breakfasts et Cie., which I had long ago cast behind me.

Miss Lucas gave both ladies tickets for a flower-show, where all the great folk were to be, princes and princesses, etc. "But I have nothing to wear," sighed Rosa. "Then you must get something, and mind it is not pink, please; for we must not clash in colors. You know I'm dark, and pink becomes me. And this new Madame Cie, of Regent Street, has such a duck of a bonnet, just come from Paris.

"Superb!" was all I could ejaculate, staring at the azure splendour of that miraculous jewel in a sort of trance. She gave a shrill cackling laugh of mockery. "The great Mr. Acton taken in by a bit of Palais Royal gimcrackery! What an advertisement for Bogaerts et Cie! They are perfect artists in frauds. Don't you remember their stand at the first Paris Exhibition?