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He said, "I am not a king." To whom Ciaran said, "You will be a king to-morrow." Hence the old saying, "the feat of Maelmor." Diarmaid afterwards assumed the sovereignty of Erinn, through Ciaran's blessing when Diarmaid was marking the site of Eclais-bec, and bowed down thrice. He went to Tara, and gave Ciaran an offering for every tairlim, along with Druimraithe.

There were in Ireland before Patrick came thither four holy bishops with their followers who evangelized and sowed the word of God there; these are the four: Ailbe, Bishop Ibar, Declan, and Ciaran.

Possibly the best way to present the question of Declan's age is to put in tabulated form the arguments of the pre-Patrician advocates against the counter contentions of those who claim that Declan's period is later than Patrick's: For the Pre-Patrician Mission. I. Positive statement of Life, corroborated by Lives of SS. Ciaran and Ailbhe.

Colum-Cille, the son of Fedhlimidh, firstly, narrated and compiled the miracles of Patrick; Ultan, the descendant of Conchobhar; Adamnan, the grandson of Atinne; Eleran the wise; Ciaran of Belach-Duin; Bishop Ermedach of Clogher; Colman Uamach; and Cruimther Collaith of Druim-Roilgech.

Nevertheless his period is one of the great disputed questions of early Irish history. According to the express testimony of his Life, corroborated by testimony of the Lives of SS. Ailbhe and Ciaran, he preceded St. Patrick in the Irish mission and was a co-temporary of the national apostle.

The first place where his relics were was a high and beautiful spot, but they were carried thence after a short time to a lower place; and the first place where they were is deserted, and robbers and murderers are accustomed to dwell there, through Patrick's curse. And his church was ceded to Ciaran Mac-an-tsair, but was restored to Patrick again.

Get my chariot for me that I may go in haste to see his corpse, so that Patrick may come to hear of the worry and the grief I have undergone because of his disciple's death." The body had been recovered before the arrival of Declan by others who were close at hand and it had been placed on a bier to be carried to Ciaran for interment.

This promise of Declan has been fulfilled in the case of that family. On another occasion, as Declan was travelling in the northern part of Magh Femhin beside the Suir, he met there a man who was carrying a little infant to get it baptised. The attendant replied to him that they had neither a vessel nor salt for the baptism. The infant was baptised there and the name of Ciaran given him.

There were in Ireland before Patrick came thither four holy bishops with their followers who evangelized and sowed the word of God there; these are the four: Ailbe, Bishop Ibar, Declan, and Ciaran.

Two generations later we read: "1088: Tigearnac Ua Briain, chief successor of Ciaran and Coman, died. He was a paragon of learning and history." The work of the paragon Tigearnac, a history of Ireland, is extant and writ in choice Latin, a monument at once of the classical learning of our schools and of the historical spirit carried down from the days of the pagan heralds and bards.