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Now, he would snarl and snap at the assailant in front anon, he must sieve himself round, and in like manner menace the more cowardly "churk" that was attacking him in the rear.

She pronounced it "churk," but that's a detail. "Oh, indeed!" Bernard echoed. He was burning to know how, I could see, but politeness forbade him to press Melissa on so delicate a point any further. Melissa, however, herself supplied at once the missing information.

Fritz, with a disappointed growl, turned round again to betake himself to his piece of meat; but still more disappointed was his look, when he perceived that the latter was no longer within reach! Churk falcon number one had clawed him over the croup, but churk falcon number two had deprived him of his supper!

See, there's a brace of them now!" continued Karl, pointing to two birds that were circling in the air, some twenty yards overhead. "`Churk' falcons they are called. They are the largest of the Himalayan hawks. Are these your birds, brother?"

These movements were not made in silence: for the falcons, as they flew, kept uttering their shrill cries that sounded like the voice of a pair of angry vixens. "Their young must be near?" suggested Karl. "No, sahib," said Ossaroo, "no nest no chickee. Fritz he hab suppa de piece ob meat ob da ibex. Churk wantee take de dog suppa away." "Oh! Fritz is eating something, is he?" said Caspar.

The last look Fritz ever had of that piece of ibex venison, was seeing it in the beak of the bird, high up in air, growing smaller by degrees and beautifully less until it disappeared altogether in the dim distance. This odd little episode, between the boar-hound and the churk falcons, had interrupted the conversation of the two brothers on the subject which Caspar had introduced.

Never had he so regretted the deficiency in his structure that left him without those useful appendages; and had he been gifted with the "wand of a fairy," the use to which he would at that moment have applied it would have been to furnish himself with a pair, not of "beautiful wings" for that was a secondary consideration but of strong and long ones, such as would have enabled him to overhaul those churk falcons, and punish them for their unheard-of audacity.