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McSporran received the news with his customary stolidity, only his gray eyes twinkled and he chuntered something that was totally unintelligible to anyone save himself. But its effect upon McCullough and Hardy was peculiar, not to say, startling in the extreme. With brush and burnisher clutched in their respective hands they both turned and gaped upon him fish-eyed for the moment.

"Haw, haw!" laughed Peter Pegg softly. "I knowed you'd say that. But it's all as true as true. I don't mean to say that he talked to me like that in plain English, but he chuntered and grunted and squealed, and ate nearly all the bananas and bread, and drank up the water before he went away, and come again for more." "Oh, I could believe that.

Some three hours later, as they lay on their cots, came to them the faint, far-off toot! toot! of an engine, through the keen atmosphere. "That's Number Four from th' West," remarked Slavin drowsily, "Yorkey shud be along on ut. Well! a walk will not hurt th' man if " He chuntered something to himself. Half an hour elapsed slowly three quarters.

While I finished my ale he chuntered away in his own Gaelic. "I'll mak' it up in London," he said at length, "but it'll be the deil's own job." "It will indeed," I agreed, and drained my tankard dry. A look at my watch told me it was time to set about my second commission. Sultan was brought from the stable, fit as a fiddle and eager to be going.