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"At last Baji Lal spoke, raising his face but still remaining seated on the divan we were wont in former times to share. "'Go thy way, Chunda Das, he said. 'The sword of fate has descended upon this house. Come not again to a place accursed. "Then did I realize that the trouble was serious. "'But, my friend and brother, I protested, 'I cannot depart and leave you thus.

He might, then, have easily crossed the Kavari at night and fallen upon Lawrence, whose force there now was greatly inferior to his own. Chunda Sahib, in vain, begged him to do so.

Mirzapha Jung and Chunda Sahib, profoundly impressed by the triumph of French arms two years earlier, appealed to Dupleix to help them, joined their forces, and invaded the Carnatic. Dupleix was not unwilling to listen to the appeal of the invaders. He saw that the chance had arisen for him to constitute himself the Warwick, the king-maker, of India.

Clive soon arrived, and D'Auteuil, caught between two fires, surrendered with his whole force. Had Law been a man of energy, he had yet a chance of escape. He had still seven or eight hundred French troops with him, two thousand Sepoys, and four thousand of Chunda Sahib's troops.

The death of my mother and later that of my father, of which Chunda Lal had told me were griefs that time had dulled. But the horror of Fo-Hi was one which lived with me, day and night. "To a wing of the palace kept closely locked, and which I had never seen opened, I was conducted by Chunda Lal.

Ah! they are floating in their dream paradise; they have no ears to hear, no eyes to see!" He grasped her wrist again. "They contest for shadow smiles and dream kisses, but Chunda Lal have eyes to see and ears to hear. He dream, too but of lips more sweet than honey, of a voice like the Song of the Daood! Inshalla!"

Inspector," interrupted Gaston Max, "but you have never seen Zara el-Khala! I have seen her and I forgive him, also!" Stuart continued rapidly: "We have little time to waste. There are only three people in the house, so far as I am aware: Miska known to you, M. Max, as Zara el-Khala the Hindu, Chunda Lal, and Fo-Hi "

We will wait and watch -and listen for the bells here that tell they are in the grounds of the house." "Ah, Miska!" the glance of the Hindu grew fearful "you are clever but he is the Evil One! I fear for you. Fly now. There is yet time ..." A faint sound attracted Miska's attention. Placing a quivering finger to her lips, she gently thrust Chunda Lal out into the corridor.

He had destroyed it, in a fit of passion, on returning from the Bois de Boulogne after his encounter with Chunda Lal! It is Fate after all Kismet and not the wit of man which leads to the apprehension of really great criminals a tireless Fate which dogs their footsteps, a remorseless Fate from which they fly in vain. "A very great loss to the century, M. Max," he said.

Stumbling, I uttered a slight exclamation ... and instantly received a blow on the head that knocked me flat upon the ground! Everything was swimming around me, but I realized that someone Chunda Lal probably had been hiding in the very passage which I had entered! I heard again that uncanny wailing, close beside me.