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Well, let that pass. Will you now return with me and spend the day? My mother is longing to see you." "I will come," said Olive, cheerfully. There was a little demur about Christars being left alone, but it was soon terminated by the incursion of a tribe of the young lady's "friends," whom she had made at Farnwood Hall. Soon Olive was walking with Mr. Gwynne along the well-known road.

Christars eyes brightened at the sight, and she trod with a more patrician air. The maid a parting bequest of Miss Meliora's, and who had long and faithfully served at Woodford Cottage came anxiously to communicate that there were two ladies waiting. One of them she did not know; the other was Mrs. Fludyer. "The latter would have disturbed Mrs.

"Alas! what are we to do?" cried Olive, sorrowfully; and the whole night, during which she was disturbed by the restless sounds in Christars room, she lay awake, planning numberless compassionate devices to soothe and win over this obdurate heart. Something told her they would not be in vain; love rarely is! When it was almost morning, she peacefully fell asleep.

She was just musing, for the hundredth time, over her father's letter, considering whether or not she should destroy it, lest any unforeseen chance her own death, for instance might bring the awful secret to Christars knowledge. Lyle's entrance startled her, and she hastily thrust the letter within the desk.