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He thinks he's still over there pretindin' to be a horse instead iv a free American givin' an imytation iv a steam dhredge. "On th' first Choosday afther th' first Monday in November an' April a man goes ar-round to his house, wakes him up, leads him down th' sthreet, an' votes him th' way ye'd wather a horse. He don't mind inhalin' th' air iv liberty in a livery stable.

"Doctor was here after you left yestiddy," she said. "You'd 'a' thought he'd been at that window peekin' in. He didn't believe me at all when I told him Lois was takin' her medicine reg'lar. He says she's gettin' worse every day since Choosday, and if she don't take her medicine reg'lar, he can't do her no good.

Jim moved a little way along the locker, and you could see he was insulted. He kept shaking his head and muttering, and so I slid along to him and patted him on the leg, and petted him up, and got him over the worst of his feelings, and then he says: "Mars Tom talkin' sich talk as dat! Choosday in one place en Monday in t'other, bofe in the same day!

"Tell me now awhile, John, what day is this th' election is?" "I d'no if it isn't Choosday week it is," replied John Brien, without interest. "There's two o' them up for it now. Young Coppinger, that was the first in it, and a chap from T'prairy. What's this his name is? Burke, I think it is. Sure they had two meetin's after chapel at Riverstown last Sunday.

Dooley, "but he was in here Choosday. 'Did ye vote? says I. 'I did, says he. 'Which wan iv th' distinguished bunko steerers got ye'er invalu'ble suffrage? says I. 'I didn't have none with me, says he, 'but I voted f'r Charter Haitch, says he. 'I've been with him in six ilictions, says he, 'an' he's a good man, he says.

Why, looky here, Huck, s'posen de Choosday was New Year's now den! is you gwine to tell me it's dis year in one place en las' year in t'other, bofe in de identical same minute? It's de beatenest rubbage! I can't stan' it I can't stan' to hear tell 'bout it." Then he begun to shiver and turn gray, and Tom says: "NOW what's the matter? What's the trouble?"